questions or temp notes

Contact: pz -at- zq3q -dot- org

FLOSS vs foss

four software freedoms

# freeipa exercise/POC: initial install on centos 7

GOAL: Setup freeipa for w/ kerberos NFS4 file sharing, and autofs/auto mount home directories. A small number of users or hosts.

I have a centos 7.3 Internet host “”, with bind/bind-chroot installed and working. There is a “” delegation NS record and a SOA record, both mapped to host “” both in the “” zone. bind is working OK on pez for, but I plan to uninstall it and let setup bind for freeipa from scratch.

I understand I need to uninstall bind-chroot, and plan to do so.

I’m new to freeipa, but have read for 7 hours or so, and have spent a couple of hours reading the list.

For guidance on the install I have been looking at:

personal linux DNS NS setup; linux nameservers for

table of contents

who I am/goal/prob definition/namecheap issue(s)

how I tried to register personal DNS name servers for


dig testing/DNS query tests basic info basic info ( basic info

zone config files

zone config files

zone config files

zone dump xklwu

zone dump epjdn

zone dump pez


To setup my own personal linux authoritative DNS servers for my domain “”; using namecheap as my registrar for domain “”. The goal is no dependence on namecheap DNS; ie I want to do DNS for myself for this exercise.

To setup an additional personal linux authoritative DNS server “”, which will be the SOA NS (start of authority nameserver) for the subdomain “”.

“” is the only server I plan to have below “”.

This is a learning exercise, to prepare for another project.


dig testing/DNS query tests

The queries directed explicitly to or or seem to work ok. ** At the end of the below results you can see and are not listed as NS records for **

[moobt@n7s moobt]$ #!/bin/bash
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ pez=45.55.Wed Jul 19 07:06:18 CDT 2017
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ set -x
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ date
+ date
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ hostname
+ hostname
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # These next 2 servers are for
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # is the primary NS.
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # is the slave NS.
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # Both my name servers have A records.
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ dig @ A +short
+ dig @ A +short
+ : _func_ok2unset_ personal
+ set -x
+ command dig +noall +identify +answer @ A +short
+ dig +noall +identify +answer @ A +short from server in 74 ms.
+ :
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ dig @      A +short
+ dig @ A +short
+ : _func_ok2unset_ personal
+ set -x
+ command dig +noall +identify +answer @ A +short
+ dig +noall +identify +answer @ A +short from server in 269 ms.
+ :
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ for s in;do
>     : SOA
>     command dig @$s SOA +short
>     :
>     : NS
>     command dig @$s NS +short
>     :
>     : Example TXT record lookups, at parent NS, then referal query to child<lookups, at parent NS, then referal query to child                          NS.
>     command dig @$s TXT +short
>     command dig @$s TXT +short
>     :
>     : Example A record lookup for my NS.
>     command dig @$s A +short
>     :
>     : ipa subdomain NS
>     command dig @$s NS  +short
>     :
>     : ipa subdomain SOA
>     command dig @$s SOA +short
> done
+ for s in
+ : SOA
+ command dig SOA +short
+ dig SOA +short 2017071401 10800 3600 604800 86400
+ :
+ : NS
+ command dig NS +short
+ dig NS +short
+ :
+ : Example TXT record lookups, at parent NS, then referal query to child NS.
+ command dig TXT +short
+ dig TXT +short
"Test TXT record at level."
+ command dig TXT +short
+ dig TXT +short
"Hi ho."
+ :
+ : Example A record lookup for my NS.
+ command dig A +short
+ dig A +short
+ :
+ : ipa subdomain NS
+ command dig NS +short
+ dig NS +short
+ :
+ : ipa subdomain SOA
+ command dig SOA +short
+ dig SOA +short 2017070801 10800 3600 604800 86400
+ for s in
+ : SOA
+ command dig SOA +short
+ dig SOA +short 2017071401 10800 3600 604800 86400
+ :
+ : NS
+ command dig NS +short
+ dig NS +short
+ :
+ : Example TXT record lookups, at parent NS, then referal query to child NS.
+ command dig TXT +short
+ dig TXT +short
"Test TXT record at level."
+ command dig TXT +short
+ dig TXT +short
"Hi ho."
+ :
+ : Example A record lookup for my NS.
+ command dig A +short
+ dig A +short
+ :
+ : ipa subdomain NS
+ command dig NS +short
+ dig NS +short
+ :
+ : ipa subdomain SOA
+ command dig SOA +short
+ dig SOA +short 2017070801 10800 3600 604800 86400
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ command dig @$pez SOA +short
+ command dig @ SOA +short
+ dig @ SOA +short 2017070801 10800 3600 604800 86400
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ command dig @$pez   A +short
+ command dig @ A +short
+ dig @ A +short
[moobt@n7s moobt]$
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # Check to see if my name servers are registered.
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ command dig @            NS <and dig @            NS +                         short
+ command dig @ NS +short
+ dig @ NS +short
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ # command dig N<mmand dig NS                          +short
[moobt@n7s moobt]$ logout
++ case $BASH_VERSION in
++ history

Ian! D. Allen Intro

His website:

Is an end user of ‘remind’.

Has good CLI advocacy rant; ie on CLI vs GUI:

    Command Line vs. GUI: Power Users need more than GUI
    - Ian! D. Allen -

    "Anything worth doing will be done more than once."

    A short comment on why even modern GUIs just don't have the power needed
    to handle repeated tasks.


    A GUI user wrote:
    > There are plenty of examples.  Take sending a message by e-mail for
    > example.  No complex menu navigaion is required for that in a GUI,
    > such as Evolution, for example.  You simply click on "New" fill in
    > the form with appropriate data, and click send.

    Okay, I just sent a file to one user.  Now how do I repeat that and
    only have to change the userid, or only the file name, without having to
    "fill in the form" again (possibly making mistakes or forgetting exactly
    what I filled out in the previous form)?

    In a command line, I back up one line (one keystroke) and change "user1"
    to "user2" or "file1" to "file2" and push return.  If I realize I want
    to do this a lot, I save that line in a script file and pass the userid
    or file name in as a parameter, so I only need type "./mailusers user3"
    or "./mailfiles file3".

    Say it's tomorrow and I can't remember exactly which files I sent to whom.
    My command line history tells me exactly what I sent and to whom and
    allows me to repeat what I did exactly, only changing the little bits
    I want changed.

    Say it's next month and I realize I'm always sending these emails to the
    same people, so I collect the command lines that do that and put them
    all into one script file that makes it all happen: "./doall"

    Say it's next year and I realize I'm always doing these things at the same
    time every month, so I put an entry in my crontab that will automatically
    run my "doall" script on the 15th of every month.

    Say I want my friend in Slovenia to be able to do exactly what I do.
    I send him my script file.

    What existing GUI lets me do that sort of thing?  To summarize:

     - automatically saves the last thing I did

     - gives me keyword-searchable history of what I did

     - lets me edit any little piece of what I did and repeat it

     - allows me to save and parametrize what I did so that in future I only
       have to specify the little bits that change

     - lets me group a common series of things I do into a repeatable script
       so that it's easy to do all those things in that order

     - lets me run anything unattended (via crontab or other background
       scheduling system)

     - lets me pass my saved and customized actions to another user, who can
       also customize and modify them further

    > You're talking about taking an action that you can repeat later
    > with the same parameters, or parameters you can easily change.  So,
    > write the software so that it can save and retrieve parameters for a
    > future session without using a complex menu.

    My command line doesn't require me to rewrite any applications.
    I can parametrize and run all the applications unchanged.

    What existing GUI lets me do these things, all of which I do *a lot*?

    "Anything worth doing will be done more than once."


    | Ian! D. Allen  -  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    | Home Page:   Contact Improv:
    | College professor (Open Source / Linux) via:
    | Defend digital freedom:  and have fun:

Neopixel ws2811 ws2812 links

Kernel Driver for NeoPixel WS2812B LEDs, Code + Instruction
    best so far            <<<<<<<<<<<<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Adafruit NeoPixel Library

sendmail question blocking direct email, yet forwarding …

Consider Unix user ‘foobar’ on Linux server


How can this be done?

Posted to stackoverflow

currency support operations - questions

Also known as “forex market intervention”.

So gov of China has dollar, and other foreign currancy reserves. They can use these to buy back their yuan.

Governments prefer to stabilize the exchange rate because excessive short-term volatility erodes market confidence and affects both the financial market and the real goods market. When there is an inordinate instability, exchange rate uncertainty generates extra costs and reduces profits for firms. As a result, investors are unwilling to make investment in foreign financial assets.


Since the end of the traditional Bretton Woods system, IMF members have been free to choose any form of exchange arrangement they wish (except pegging their currency to gold), such as: allowing the currency to float freely, pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies, adopting the currency of another country, participating in a currency bloc, or forming part of a monetary union.

Central Bank Questions

accounting for ‘downvotes’ ( my term ); want your ideas

Honoring voter intent in a hand recount is an imp legal component to the WI recount.

Assume pres. candidate John Doe gets 100 votes on election day using our
optical scan paper ballot electronic voting machines, but that a hand
recount of the same set of ballots says Doe got 99 votes.

Possible explanation:

    Voter intent per machine was rock solid certain, in fact it correctly
    read the vote for Doe. However, a human look at paper ballot sees a
    clear note saying they changed their mind and decided not to vote
    for president.

Can you think of other benign/non-fraud/non-hack answers?

I do not accept a false positive, machine misread as a viable answer -
Think thru the odds. This is very low tech.

There is probably another answer or two, I’m blocking. Pls list some.



Useful Sys Admin bash scripts or functions.

Synopsis of ‘higher rated’ or ‘significant’ uqjau scripts.

I think there are several new scripts and functions I need to add to above list.

partial list of script synopses

Above list is from output of bash script ‘_ls’, which has some bugs – first entry is an example. I’m slightly inspired now to fix those bugs, and to have ’_ls’ to have an option to include many of the bash functions in my personal env.


$ _diskfull --help

SYNOPSIS: Size-sorted output of: cd DIRECTORY ... du -xSma

DESCRIPTION: Use this to identify large files to consider deleting
when a filesystem at or in danger of being full.

Safe to run on /, because of -x switch to du, stays in / fs -- this has been tested.
-S == Do not include size of subdirectories.
Advantages of -S:
    * Dirs w/small files only at their top level get low sort rank, top level as in "GNU find's depth 1".
    * Fewer size sum calculations.

_diskfull bash code

Above bash function can take advantage of functions:


$ _diskfull2 --help
USAGE: _diskfull2 [DIRECTORY]

SYNOPSIS: Use 'du -smx' to create size sorted list of
level 1 and level 2 subdirectories of DIRECTORY (./ is default).

DESCRIPTION: A list of 1st level amd 2nd level subdirs
of DIRECTORY are processed by 'du -smx '; output is
sorted largest first, by size.  File system mountpoints
just below DIRECTORY are ignored.

_diskfull2 bash code


$ $_c/jobmon --help
SYNOPSIS: Job wrapper: run and log (STDOUT/STDERR/exit code/duration)
of another script.  Useful for cron jobs. Logs files self-purged.
The scripts (metaquoted) args may be passed to ourname.

USAGE:  jobmon [OPTION]... {your job and it's arguments here}

    -L LogDirParent
          directory below which the job logs sub directory will go

    -m => Commandline args after all switches will be used literally.
          They will be echoed (as "$*") to a file and
          that file will be sourced by bash.

    -t => job STDERR and STDOUT tee'd to both logfile and current STDOUT

    -l => start job in a new bash login shell
        -i => The login shell has interactive flag set.

    -q => No intentional output to STDOUT nor STDERR.  Without this
          pathname of logfile is echoed

          Above string shows up in logfile parent dir pathname

    -F => echo $JOB_FAIL_ALERT_DIR # then exit

    logfile specific options (for more detail see mk_logs.shinc):
        -d DAYS_IN_PERIOD
        -p periods in revolution

USER:    .... mainly cron jobs

UPDATED: Sun Aug  7 09:01:01 CDT 2016

bash code for jobmon

jobmon dependencies:

governing/organizing/configuring personal linux hosts


centralized user accounts and groups /considering FreeIPA/

kerberos NFS4 file shares

auto mounted home dir; other auto mounted shares for common tools/scratch area

most hosts as VMs ‘in cloud’

one host at home with huge disk

FreeIPA notes

FreeIPA is an open source alternative to Microsoft Directory Server. It provides the following functionality:

    Centralised LDAP based authorisation
    Time server
    Certificate Authority
    Host and Role based access control

Collection of Sys Admin Questions


Econ questions

Below is an incomplete sketch/outline of some topics/puzzles and links to start a conversation about finance/banking, monetary policy. There is much for me to learn/unlearn; pls help me get a better understanding.

printing money/deficit spending at US Federal level

The MMT people do not think it has to be inflationary, and that it could put idle resources to work for the benefit of civilization.

MMT/Moderm Money Theory

Why must US Fed gov borrow from Fed to do deficit spending? What are the alternatives?

Federal Reserve Basics

dominance of the NY (wall street) fed bank. Partial private ownership of fed banks.

dominance of fed board by private banking interests

money mechanics/ Monetary Policy

quantitative easing

Uses no tax dollars – per Jack Rasmus. (??!)

Where does annual interest received by Fed go?

Any surplus money left after the Fed pays all its obligations, including those of its 12 regional banks, must be sent to the Treasury.

1980’s Savings and Loan Crisis

What happens to money supplies m1, m2, m3 during stages of a loan typical house loan?

Creation/destruction of money, various measures of money supply, inflation/deflation; walk trough what happens to money supply during entire life cycle of a loan

Feasibility/logistics of 100 year 0% loans to states


explain daily clearing process for banks

explain debt monetization

new complex fin instruments - derivatives, credit default swaps …

Should these be legal. Fire insurance on someone else’s house …

2007-2009 recession

ongoing accounting fraud / impunity for violators

quantitative easing, buying up “bad paper”

Explain details. Apparently Fed’s quantitative easing does not increase taxes. Where does Fed get funds for this?

Reviving Glass Steagall; ethics - isolation of investment banking and savings

breaking up or nationalizing the top 5? big banks

why are reserve requirements so low for the big banks?

concept of the FIRE sector (financial, insurance & real estate ) and it’s value to civilization

fractional reserve banking concepts; basic banking concepts

currency sovereignty, trusted currency issuer

public banking

Ellen Brown Intro

debt jubilees / equation of debt (my term)

Michael Hudson

Over and over I hear that there is not enough money in the money supply to pay of the total debt; that this is unstable/bad. Is there a though experiment to prove or dis prove this?

Growing population/economy with fixed total money supply

Might be good to walk through a thought experiment assuming above.

local currencies, keeping money circulating in local comm

Ithaca dollars. Open money. Crypto currencies. Currencies w/embedded programmatic social contracts.

ZIRP policy in Japan

Currency devaluation to keep export income high, is hard on Japan’s standard of living? I would like to understand this issue better.

FOREX currency warfare

IMF/austerity policies/benefits of currency sovereignty

Greece is a blatant example.

John Perkins “Confessions of an economic hit man”.

Explain Feigold earmark Fed budget issue

Flat vs Hierarchical Workplaces

Flat Will Kill You, Eventually: Why Every Company Needs Structure

J. Robert Oppenheimer interview by Ed Murrow - video

my diet

Low carb diet; influenced by keto diet.
This diet evolved over time. Hopefully ingredients speak for themselves.

# Dry mix for protein, fat, and nutrition:

                                   grams:                             20x:   30x:

nutritional yeast (NBC600)          8                                 160    240
flax seed meal                      8                                 160    240
pumpkin seeds                       8                                 160    240
pecans                              6                                 120    180
Parmesan cheese                     6                                 120    180
wheat germ                          4                                  80    120
Brazil nuts                         4                                  80    120
sun flower seeds                    4                                  80    120
    (high omega 3)
rolled oats                         4                                  80    120
macadamia nuts                      4                                  80    120
cashews                             4                                  80    120
    (moderate oxylate?)
Morton lite salt                    3.5   /For potassium./             70    105
almonds                             3.5    sliced                      70    105
    (high oxylate)
chia seeds                          3                                  60     90
    (high oxylate)
turmeric                            3                                  60     90
    (high oxylate)
ginger                              2                                  40     60
mustard                             2                                  40     60
cinnamon                            2                                  40     60
nutmeg                              1                                  20     30
rosemary                            1                                  20     30
clove                               1                                  20     30


Dose per day of above "mix": 50g at breakfast.

# breakfast
    bakers chocolate            30 g

scrambled eggs in stainless frying pan at 200 deg F:
    eggs                         2 large
    coconut oil or MCT          17 g ( was 17, then 22, then 20, then 14, then 17 )
    butter                      06 g ( was 11, 10 )
    white turkey slice          28 g ( 2g fat )
    tomato puree                40 g
    avocado                      1/2
    garlic                       4 medium clove
    nut mix                     50 g
    walnuts                     32 g

each at breakfast mixed together:

    pomegranate juice           20 g
    cranberry juice/no sugar    20 g
    yogurt plain                30 g
    dark grapes                 35 g
    blue berries                50 g  [long stable 40g]
    walnuts                     32 g

one of
    grapefruit          1/4
    orange              1/2

occasional - swap dark berries for blue berries or grapes
    6 cherrys (in summer)
occasional - swap cranberries for blue berries or grapes
    cranberries (blender)   40g   ( season: Oct-Jan)


# two day recipe: lunch #

I make a big salad, ~3.2Kg, for use as 2 post breakfast meal(s) over two days.

## salad dressing ##

olive oil               40 g ( was 40, 35, 40 )                             240g
Braggs vinegar          40 g                                                240g
tomato puree            30 g                                                180g
yogurt plain            30 g  (was 40)                                      180g
pomegranate juice       25 g  /was 40, 20/                                  150g
tahini                  06 g  ( careful/high oylate )                        36g
butter                  06 g ( was 11; Organic/ideally grass fed. )          36g
                       177 g    = 40 *2 +30 *2 +25 +6 +6

## I cut up myself: ##

avocado                          1
apple                            1
cauliflower                      130g       [105, 130]
broccoli                         150g       [105, 150]
broccoli sprouts                 113g
red onion                        125g
asparagus                        190g    ( vita K )
    ( 1/2 a bundle | too much? )
red cabbage                      105g
celery                           4-6 big stalks
red/yellow/green pepper          1 medium or large whole pepper
brussel sprouts                  2-3 bulbs
garlic                           4-6 medium cloves
parsley bunch                    40g
    ( 1/2 a sold bundle )
raw beet                         30g    (careful/high oxlate)
cucumber                         1/2
mung sprouts                     215g
3 large/mediuim radishes          80g??
sauerkraut                        60g
kale leaves b4 stalk trim         92g
carrot                            1 large ( ~ 100g )
dark grapes                       80 g
blue berries                     100 g
sweet potatoe                    100 g

## Salad bar / unmeasured - ie guesses :
    chopped olives          ~1/3 C
    mushrooms               ~.5-.75 C
    lima beans              1T
    spinach                 0 g!    (careful/very high oxlate)

two servings, selecting of any combination of the below:
    turkey                      91g
    chicken                     91g
    salmon                      86g

roundish fruit one of
    1/2 grapefruit
    1 orange
    1 or 1/2 mango
    1 pear

    Vita C                      2-4 * 500 mg. Through out day.   (oxlate risk?!)
    D3                          2 * 2000 IU
    Coenzyme Q10                1 * 200 mg
    Bio Citrate Magnesium       3 * 400 mg. Two Before bed.
    Fish Oil                    6 * 1200 mg. Three in morning/three just before bed.
    Zinc                        30 mg
    Cal/Mag/Zinc                333 mg/133 mg/5 mg
        ( cal carb with meal, cal citrate anytime)
    B12                         1000 mcg
    Acetyl L-Carnine            500 mg

Tea ( cool to 120 F before drinking )
    English Breakfast           2 tea bags
    green tea                   0-1 tea bag
    green tea decaf             2-3 tea bag
    green tea macha             1 tea bag

Coffee                          ( 9g coffee in 130g water )/week

# Post meal exercise goal:  Lazy walk for 6 min immediately after each meal.

# kitchen tools

TB500 500g x 0.01g Digital Precision Scale
Taylor MODEL 3807BK21 scale (for up to 5Kg)
MASTECH MS6530 infrared thermometer
~7" stainless steel colander strainer

using mpv with playlist of URLs

Goal: Get mpv to play the audio files in playlist w/URLs to audio files on remote websites. Is there a syntax that supports this?

Soln: Thanks to #mpv – get rid of the double quotes in the playlist!

example that does not work:

 $ cat


 $ mpv --playlist=./
 Detected file format: pls (Playlist file)
 Playing: ././""
 [file] Cannot open file '././""': No such file or directory
 Failed to open ././"".

 Playing: ././""
 [file] Cannot open file '././""': No such file or directory
 Failed to open ././"".

 Exiting... (No files played)
 $ mpv --version
 mpv 0.3.11 (C) 2000-2013 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
  built on UNKNOWN
 ffmpeg library versions:
    libavutil       52.48.101
    libavcodec      55.39.101
    libavformat     55.19.104
    libswscale      2.5.101
    libavfilter     3.90.100
    libavresample   1.1.0

 $ uname -a
 Linux kep 3.17.6-200.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Dec 8 15:21:05 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

using “spare hosts” as personal DNS nameservers for

Assume I register domain ‘’ with registrar namecheap; and as an exercise, I plan to setup my own two authoritative DNS nameservers for ‘’.

I have several linux VMs, that are under used, so I want to use them for the nameservers for ‘’. Neither are in ‘’; is that going to work?

namecheap support seems to suggest that the personal DNS authorative nameservers for ‘’, must be in ‘’, as in

This is not what I want, since I do not want to spin up 2 new servers.

Pls confirm, that I do not need to do this, and that I could use 2 existing linux hosts outside of as personal DNS authorative nameservers. Any additional related tips appreciated.


DNS Nameserver NS records for

As a learning exercise, I’m trying to setup a new DNS domain, with my personal DNS servers. Pls let me know if w/r to NS records, the below example is correct and enough.

Let nameserver be authoritative for Required in this nameserver’s zone file:

           IN NS

CRUCIAL: Let nameserver be authoritative for Required in this nameserver’s zone file (I think this is a “child NS record”): IN NS

Let nameserver be authoritative for .org. Required in this nameserver’s org zone file:

mynew      IN NS

Choosing a DNS registrar for your DNS domains

I know support is tough. I have worked in support. I think most support people are sincere, and work hard.

My ideal registrar would “not assume your stupid”. They should carefully read email you send them, and try to respond to all questions in the email.

I think they should use a problem tracking tool, that would allow the customer to both add and edit text box notes (like jira); so that there could be a web based problem solving process.

They should provide users with tools to check their configuration when setting up personal DNS servers, and support not just: “vanity name servers” (in same domain that they are authoritative for). I want to use personal name servers which are in a domain that is outside of the domain they are authoritative for. Such a tool should show error messages, almost any msg is better than a silent fail.

In an email dialog going with support, I want to be able to stick to one support person at a time; so I want both the general support email address and the support person’s email. It’s frustrating when several people work on the same issue, and have conflicting info.

registrar candidates I’m looking at

Lifting Power of Tornado Commenter claims cars airborne at 5:50.

In 1931 a tornado in Mississippi lifted an 83 ton train and tossed it 80 feet from the track.

At bottom left, the 2011 Tuscaloosa tornado hurled a train car weighing 71,600lbs 130 yards in one throw, according to witnesses.

As the train sped southeast across the Minnesota prairie at 60 mph (96 km/h), the tornado (later rated an F3) struck it nearly broadside, and its force lifted five of the 70-ton passenger coaches from the rails. It carried one car through the air and deposited it in a ditch eighty feet (24.4 m) off the track bed.

Nice FAQ but did not see anything about lifting power:

Van Allen belts as barrier to manned space travel

How did Apollo deal with the Van Allen radiation belts ? by Paul Shillito aka Curious Droid from Essex in the UK.

Telescopic evidence for 60s/70s moon landings

Why can’t we see the Apollo lunar landers on the Moon from Earth ? - Paul Shillito Shillito seems credible. Skip in to 4:38 into the video; there he claims that in 2009 a moon orbiting “LRO” satelite was able to photograph the landers.

Paul Shillito Intro

Curious Droid youtube channel



Paul Shillito example video

“A Brief History of Moon Hoaxes - Why do people still believe in them?” Not a lot of content.

Amazon Reputation

Trello Intro

2 min intro video

video Getting Started With Trello

trello alternatives

trello youtube channel

trello alternatives

Embedding Youtube player on HTML webpage

test case:


<iframe width="420" height="345" src=""> </iframe>

Additional help:

example from co worker:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Green Party Campaign Training School Sat Apr 7 noon-8pm live video link

The Wisconsin Green Party is seeking candidates now for 2018 local and state elections. On Sat Apr 7 we will be holding a campaign school for Greens interested in running for office and their campaign teams.

Where: First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee; 1342 N Astor St, Milwaukee WI 53202
When: Sat Apr 7 noon - 8pm


FYI iframe code above is:

<iframe width="420" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here are all the links in the above copy:

You can generate a 1 line iframe tag for re-posting a youtube on any site by:

Put mouse cursor in video content area, right click > Copy embed code

Your clip board will now have the code, for example:


links/tips for Milwaukee recruiters


google group:!forum/milwaukeelug

DC414 (Defcon 414)

irc channel: #dc414 on freenode

Tech events calendar

Milwaukee Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN).

Apr 7 2018 CTS - Video Editing Wrapper help for windows

cts video file listing

# 15:03:37 Sat 180505 6j 2 6394 80/256 w2 ~/tmp/rsync_net_mnt/wigp-cts_20180407/Editing
# ibisbil moobt $ cat
WI Green Party CTS 2018-04-07

Wisconsin Green Party Campaign Training School

Kdenllive crash count: 4

## Notes While Editing
- ~128 GB of video data
- Using [Kdenlive](
  - Free, open source
- Crashed twice so far (shifting multiple video files at once).
- Working otherwise

Video sources:
- Projector camera (mic)
- Presenter camera (Canon, mic?)
- SlingStudio live feed (combination of both cameras and all mics, manipulated via software and cameramen)

- During introductions:
  - Beared gentlemen, after zapper, had no sound.
  - Sound bounced between at least two cameras/mics, maybe three
  - Camera jibberish once the lavalier was turned on

- Speaker: Dave Schwab
  - live feed cuts out at about 00:29:43. Skips to Josh?
- Speaker: Josh

--snip/all files sorted "most recent first":
1oq9dyq -rwxrwxrwx    54557 Apr 24 22:49 ./Editing/camera-input.kdenlive
1oq9cbw -rwxrwxrwx      806 Apr 24 22:14 ./Editing/
1oq9br1 -rwxrwxrwx   120928 Apr 24 22:01 ./Editing/all-sources.kdenlive
1oq9b0r -rwxrwxrwx   684616 Apr 24 21:46 ./Editing/draft-001.webm.txt
1oq9agd -rwxrwxrwx    35540 Apr 24 21:33 ./Editing/draft-001.mp4.txt
1opqa85 -rwxrwxrwx      165 Apr 14 15:14 ./checksum.txt
1oplyqw -rwxrwxrwx    12845 Apr 12 07:16 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Please note.docx
1opic3n -rwxrwxrwx    13381 Apr 10 08:14 ./b. YouTube Download/YouTube URL for the SlingStudio and Vidiu live stream broadcasts.docx
1opfo1c -rwxrwxrwx   225995 Apr  8 21:39 ./c. Titles and Clips for live stream/picture in a picture.jpg
1opfo08 -rwxrwxrwx   348903 Apr  8 21:38 ./c. Titles and Clips for live stream/Welcome and Sesson 1.jpg
1opfnyx -rwxrwxrwx   239188 Apr  8 21:37 ./c. Titles and Clips for live stream/Please stand by.jpg
1opeujf -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 11:02 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/._Green Party Training_Program_001_3.mp4
1opeu5c -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 10:53 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/._camlink_FF_55_00001_001_4.mp4
1opeu45 -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 10:52 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/._camlink_FF_55_00001_001_1.mp4
1opeu2n -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 10:51 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/._Green Party Training_Program_001_2.mp4
1opeu1h -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 10:51 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/._Green Party Training_Program_001_1.mp4
1opetyl -rwxrwxrwx     4096 Apr  8 10:49 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/._Green Party Training_Program_001_0.mp4
1opefhg -rwxrwxrwx 1137151864 Apr  8 05:36 ./b. YouTube Download/Vidiu Download/Daniel Folkman Live Stream.mp4
1opefbd -rwxrwxrwx 1268723264 Apr  8 05:33 ./b. YouTube Download/Sling Broadcast/Green Party Training School.mp4
1opdnhk -rwxrwxrwx 420757199 Apr  7 19:32 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0804.MP4
1opdndn -rwxrwxrwx 4247342475 Apr  7 19:29 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0803.MP4
1opdma1 -rwxrwxrwx 4247527481 Apr  7 19:06 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0802.MP4
1opdl4n -rwxrwxrwx  6302261 Apr  7 18:41 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0801.MP4
1opdl3e -rwxrwxrwx 2925621792 Apr  7 18:40 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0766.MP4
1opdkc4 -rwxrwxrwx 4247452490 Apr  7 18:24 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0765.MP4
1opdj8i -rwxrwxrwx 4246650517 Apr  7 18:00 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0764.MP4
1opdi4w -rwxrwxrwx 4246963905 Apr  7 17:36 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0763.MP4
1opdhbx -rwxrwxrwx 1424119214 Apr  7 17:19 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0800.MP4
1opdgxm -rwxrwxrwx 1866600835 Apr  7 17:10 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0799.MP4
1opdgs1 -rwxrwxrwx 1554504109 Apr  7 17:07 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0762.MP4
1opdgg8 -rwxrwxrwx 4246830822 Apr  7 17:00 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0798.MP4
1opdfcm -rwxrwxrwx 4247261082 Apr  7 16:36 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0797.MP4
1opdexs -rwxrwxrwx 3516045808 Apr  7 16:27 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0761.MP4
1opde10 -rwxrwxrwx 4247165288 Apr  7 16:07 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0760.MP4
1opdd0d -rwxrwxrwx 657630872 Apr  7 15:45 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0796.MP4
1opdcxe -rwxrwxrwx 4247433832 Apr  7 15:44 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0759.MP4
1opdcu8 -rwxrwxrwx 4246351023 Apr  7 15:42 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0795.MP4
1opdbqn -rwxrwxrwx 4246743803 Apr  7 15:18 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0794.MP4
1opdan1 -rwxrwxrwx 4246552432 Apr  7 14:54 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0793.MP4
1opdal5 -rwxrwxrwx 657657996 Apr  7 14:53 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0758.MP4
1opdaf1 -rwxrwxrwx 4247355280 Apr  7 14:49 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0757.MP4
1opd9bf -rwxrwxrwx 4247309552 Apr  7 14:26 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0756.MP4
1opd923 -rwxrwxrwx 2211453636 Apr  7 14:20 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0792.MP4
1opd8hh -rwxrwxrwx 4246325812 Apr  7 14:08 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0791.MP4
1opd87t -rwxrwxrwx 4247513225 Apr  7 14:02 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0755.MP4
1opd7dv -rwxrwxrwx 4246811701 Apr  7 13:44 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0790.MP4
1opd6mq -rwxrwxrwx 2214658364 Apr  7 13:28 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0754.MP4
1opd6aa -rwxrwxrwx 4246420061 Apr  7 13:20 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0789.MP4
1opd623 -rwxrwxrwx 4247093362 Apr  7 13:15 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0753.MP4
1opd56p -rwxrwxrwx 4247174278 Apr  7 12:56 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 CB/MVI_0788.MP4
1opd4yi -rwxrwxrwx 4246970185 Apr  7 12:51 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0752.MP4
1opd3uw -rwxrwxrwx 4247279097 Apr  7 12:28 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0751.MP4
1opd2rb -rwxrwxrwx 4246925020 Apr  7 12:04 ./a. Cannon Video Capture/Canon G40 DF/MVI_0750.MP4
1opd0my -rwxrwxrwx 174374119 Apr  7 11:18 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/Green Party Training_Program_001_4.mp4
1opd0my -rwxrwxrwx 184519869 Apr  7 11:18 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_4.mp4
1opd0c3 -rwxrwxrwx 43460977 Apr  7 11:12 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/camlink_FF_55_00001_001_4.mp4
1opd08r -rwxrwxrwx 1273936219 Apr  7 11:10 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_3.mp4
1opd08m -rwxrwxrwx 1272971132 Apr  7 11:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/camlink_FF_55_00001_001_3.mp4
1opd08l -rwxrwxrwx 1187093850 Apr  7 11:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/Green Party Training_Program_001_3.mp4
1opcxgp -rwxrwxrwx 1273900918 Apr  7 10:10 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_2.mp4
1opcxgl -rwxrwxrwx 1273326977 Apr  7 10:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/camlink_FF_55_00001_001_2.mp4
1opcxgk -rwxrwxrwx 1186960817 Apr  7 10:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/Green Party Training_Program_001_2.mp4
1opcuon -rwxrwxrwx 1273884128 Apr  7 09:09 ./Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_1.mp4
1opcuon -rwxrwxrwx 1273884128 Apr  7 09:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_1.mp4
1opcuok -rwxrwxrwx 1272952347 Apr  7 09:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/camlink_FF_55_00001_001_1.mp4
1opcuoj -rwxrwxrwx 1186787184 Apr  7 09:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/Green Party Training_Program_001_1.mp4
1opcrwl -rwxrwxrwx 1274042255 Apr  7 08:09 ./Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_0.mp4
1opcrwl -rwxrwxrwx 1274042255 Apr  7 08:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Projector Slides -- HDMI/Green Party Training_HDMI_001_0.mp4
1opcrwj -rwxrwxrwx 1186869848 Apr  7 08:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Program_Recordings - SlingStudio, Live stream broadcast to YouTube/Green Party Training_Program_001_0.mp4
1opcrwj -rwxrwxrwx 1272963029 Apr  7 08:09 ./d. SlingStudio Recordings/Input_Recordings - Video from each of two camcorders/Follows Speaker -- camlink_FF_55_00001/camlink_FF_55_00001_001_0.mp4
1opc128 -rwxrwxrwx   574812 Apr  6 22:30 ./Green Party Training.pptx
1opc0y2 -rwxrwxrwx  1277240 Apr  6 22:27 ./Please Stand By.png
1opbyn2 -rwxrwxrwx    14338 Apr  6 21:37 ./AGENDA - Green Campaign Training School.docx
1opb1u4 -rwxrwxrwx 23948150 Apr  6 09:49 ./HB, Please Stand By-1.m4v
1opb1k8 -rwxrwxrwx 250291259 Apr  6 09:43 ./Please stand by.mp4
1opb1cm -rwxrwxrwx    51372 Apr  6 09:38 ./c. Titles and Clips for live stream/LIve Stream Clips, Green Party Training.prproj
1opb0lg -rwxrwxrwx  5701000 Apr  6 09:22 ./Entire.mp3
1oozxom -rwxrwxrwx  1110693 Mar 31 09:45 ./Images and stuff.docx
1oozwlo -rwxrwxrwx   511769 Mar 31 09:22 ./Post Pic.png
1oozw0q -rwxrwxrwx    18812 Mar 31 09:10 ./Capture2.JPG
1oozvoa -rwxrwxrwx    44019 Mar 31 09:02 ./Capture.JPG
1o5e4oe -rwxrwxrwx    11321 Mar 15  2017 ./readme.txt

agile scrum intro

Scrum does a great job in keeping things tight so nobody wanders off dreaming about what they actually wanted to do with their lives. | –snip Psychologically, a standup provides a socially acceptable space to provide feedback on other’s priorities and receive feedback on your own.

software study: web conferencing; desktop sharing; remote desktop

finnix intro

Finnix is a self-contained, bootable Linux CD distribution (“LiveCD”) for system administrators, based on Debian. You can mount and manipulate hard drives and partitions, monitor networks, rebuild boot records, install other operating systems, and much more. Finnix includes the latest technology for system administrators, with Linux kernel 3.0, x86 and PowerPC support, hundreds of sysadmin-geared packages, and much more. And above all, Finnix is small; currently the entire distribution is over 400MiB, but is dynamically compressed into a small bootable image. Finnix is not intended for the average desktop user, and does not include any desktops, productivity tools, or sound support, in order to keep distribution size low.

Author appears to be from WI - all releases named after a WI city.

latest release as of Fri 24 Aug 2018:

Creating bootable USB:

A few disk related tools it has: fdisk, sfdisk, dd, ddrescue, e2fsck, mke2fs, LVM tools (e.g. pvcreate, lvcreate…), mkswap, swapon, swapoff, blkid, …

see also

Nationbuilder Terse Tips

support: 213-394-4623 login:

# TOC for this help

## nationbuilder filter / query help


# NB overview/background/intro

| |

Sad/rocky path: Prospect (from social media action) -> Supporter (they opt in) -> Non Supporter (via opt out) Per NB support “social media providers generally do not give us postal addresses”.

| Not much here:

| :logging a contact:annotation after reach out:post contact update:contact logging |     Click on People > Select Person > Dashboard. |

:nationbuilder people database backup:nationbuilder snapshot

The snapshot job gets queued, seems to start w/in a min or two… Entire backup done in < 2min on Mon 27 May 2019.

## best online help

Given I have found no open community for Nationbuilder, I usually go here:

Consider: end: NB overview/background/intro :fx4Iolwci: }}}

# finance | accounting | taxes

###### {#lkmae_cancel_sustainer_is_manual_step}

## canceling monthly donations | done manually by request by NB admins

Per a call to Nationbuilder (Jason?) in July 2020, end users have no way to do this. Only witp Nationbuilder admins can do this.

## manual finance edits by your treasurer | paper check donations | manual proxy donation

people > John Doe > Finances > New Donation

# permission model for CP/Control Panel users: staffer or admin

See (top level) Settings >Defaults> Permission Sets

| |

The padlock icon implies restricted perms for the object (possibly viewable by admins only or control panel users only.).

## control panel people list (staffers and admins)

People > Point People

| point people/control panel: | |

| any Control Panel User can be made a Point Person. **Point Persons are | the people in your organization who are accountable for moving those | assigned to them up the “Ladder of Engagement.

| | The idea of a Point Person is simple: Each staffer or volunteer | in your organization is responsible for a subset of prospects or | supporters.

| A point person has primary responsibility for developing a | relationship with a particular person. Each person in your | database can be assigned to one point person.


###### {#csttp__pointperson-helplist}

## point people assignments – list of people “you help”

Notice the column headings: Assigned, Prospects, Supporters, Recruiters, Volunteers, Donors, Members, Voters, “Yes votes”, “Not contacted”, “Overdue followups”.

For example click on the number below assigned and you will get the list of all the people in the database that have you as a point person.

### list of point people/control panel with Permissions (Staffer or Admin)

People > Point People signups/permissions

Password “NO” means they cannot login to Nationbuilder with their email account, because no password has been defined. They still can login using their Facebook, Twitter, or Google credentials.

# what is going on - web hits, other NB staffers

## global website activity log

Best “1 stop” spot to see what is going on.

| (top level) Dashboard > Activity: |

## individual timelines/logs

To see what a another/fellow Nationbuilder staffer has been doing look at their activity log.

Example: Activity of 2020 co-chair :

# vs

In Jan 2019, Jason from Nationbuilder Support says “they only do SSL for a subdomain”, not for the root domain. TODO: I’m not sure, maybe there is a workaround; but this is a minor issue.

# Blog entries ordering – sorted by mod time

You can force an old entry to bubble to top by changing it’s mod time – do a minor chg and save it.

# People sort order; Filter sort order

See right most icon (“thermometer/staircase bar graph”).

Default sort order is “record birth order” – recently added first.

# page status { published, unlisted, hidden, …}

You get the page status for a web page in the ‘Settings’ menu.

hidden : In accessible from web. On the page edit screen, notice that there is no URL. Use this for drafts or work in progress.

unlisted : Public, but only if you know the URL. On the page edit screen the URL is visible. Could be used for content shared with “logged in users” or “CP users only”.

published : Public. In some cases a top or side nav button vivifies because you the page is in the ‘published’ state.

###### {#dlxtl__merging_duplicates}

# merging duplicates

## listing possible duplicate people records

People > More > Potential Duplicates

Above command will show results from a periodic batch check for dups to give you a list of possible duplicate people records.

Follow the prompts to de dup one at a time manually. Use separate browser tabs to open the records that might be merged to confirm that they are in fact duplicates. Use common sense to ensure that the valid information is merged into the final record.

Special case – NB refuses to merge two dups each having ‘membership’ status; i.e. they each of a record of donation. You need to cancel membership on one of them. Per NB support this will preserve all donation records so they live in the merged record.

## 1off duplicate merging for dups you discover

After working on the people database long enough you will discover duplicates on a one at a time basis. Assume you think “Joe Doe” has a duplicate record; select one of the Joe Doe records, then below the main avatar for this person, at the level of the dashboard, but on the right select ‘Merge Duplicates’. If the software does not find any, then you can assist it by clicking on ‘select duplicate’ in the lower left.

# mail blasts

Typically you prepare the email blast, then send to say “supporters”; then clone that email blast, giving it a slightly different name and sent it to “prospects. In either case you can send to a subset”list”; provided you setup this named list of people in advance.

# Find by NB ID

# export people database to csv

You may export the results of a filter (i.e. query) or the contains

| filter results exported:

| people:

For exports of lists, the record of exports is at a separate link for each specific list – not what I expected.


# Adding new person to database:

| > People > New Person (upper left) | # add new person

# best filter listing

All filters and their code:

# prospects may be added by social media hook

## new twitter hook setup :tweet

Communication> witp > Settings > Twitter

Import Options: { all followers, everyone who has mentioned you, everyone that has retweeted you } ‘You’ refers to our organization’s twitter account.

Tag people who send tweets: We set this to: “tweetsent-socmediahook” ( initial setting was “tweeted00” )

## Communication > WI Teal Party> Facebook

Our only hook that harvests people that “hit” our social media sites is to our site.

# everyone gets a “public profile”

Non control panel users, can create a short bio, and profile headline/title. For non control panel users, seems to create sort of an activity log automatically for the user.

## “Short Bio”, “Headline”, “slug/username”, and “website” :

Control Panel users entirely control content, and can create their personal webpage here.

###### {#hetgh__Nationbuilder_Billing}

# Nationbuilder Billing | Costs | Charges

The total count of emailable/email-opt-in accounts must not exceed our plan cap ( 7000 in Thu 15 Apr 2021 ). Applies to all records, including banned records.

The total count of records in our database must not exceed our plan cap ( 35000 on Thu 15 Apr 2021 ). *

Your-acct-avatar (upper right) > Contacts and billing

As of Mon 11 Feb 2019:

item Qty. Cost Details
Legacy “Leader Plan” 5k people X /mo Basic plan includes 1k emailable
Additional 10k people/2k email list X /mo

# DASHBOARD/control panel

| DASHBOARD/control panel == | DASHBOARD > websites > Wisconsin Teal Party > events() # has title ‘witp:events’ | Ex 1st scrape of rsvp/events :

# People Database Categories

A person is only one of: {Prospect’, ‘Supporter’, ‘Non Supporter’}.

## support status


## “memberships/membership types”

These are custom, party membership is something else.

Membership is {
    Monthly Sustaining,
    National Committee Alternate,
    National Committee Delegate,
    Outreach Committee,
} with status { active, canceled, grace period, expired }

Apparently you can have a membership type (e.g. ‘Individual’), but that does not make you a “Party Member”.

# lists; new list

People > Lists > Create list

# misc

| | |

###### {#ksdmh__NB_email_notifications}

# NB email notifications

This is powerful, I suggest you enable notifications for those areas that you intend to help.

| On right side, right of search box, right of the “you/head shoulders” avatar, click on ‘v’ drop down | Your account > Email notifications | e.g.:

# URLs in blog posts, automatically become links only if …

URLs in blog posts or mail blasts become clickable links only if they are on a line by themselves; otherwise you have to mouse highlite the link, and then click on the link icon …

| embed youtube player by putting raw URL on a line by itself into post, as in | | | | | Careful, you need to ensure the line is deactivated/not clickable – use the broken chain icon if needed.

| filter | saved filters - trick, have to reselect ’people”

| does not change person’s update_time: | adding a tag ??

| import csv:

# Staffer permissions March 2019

## People                        (Everyone)

Manage party n
Import y
Export y
Manage memberships y
Batch Update y
Manage control panel users n
Manage paths n

## Website                           y

Create and edit pages y
Publish pages y
Manage site settings y
Manage themes y

## Communications                  y

Create and edit blasts y
Send blast y
Manage broadcaster y
Manage email themes y

## Finances

Accounting n

## Settings                         y

Billing and addons n
Add control panel users y
Manage permission sets n

## API                               n

# each CP user get’s own “public profile” web page

See …/signups/ID/profile

| $ egrep ’_address1?:’ nationbuilder-people.minimal.rec |cut -d: -f1 |sort |uniq -c | 7240 address_address1 | 208 billing_address1 | 234 mailing_address1 | 7767 primary_address1 | 1114 primary_submitted_address | 642 user_submitted_address1 | 753 user_submitted_submitted_address | 2 work_address1

###### {#lrsgf_contact_notes-_logs}

# logging contact/outreach efforts |checking contact log|phone banking/tracking/logging/notes

In each case below the first step is:

Search for John Doe in the people database, then verify you are in single person view. Notice in the section Dashboard Edit Location … by default ‘Dashboard’ should be selected.

## To check on our collective efforts to reach out and contact a person, say John Doe:

Scroll all the way to the bottom – this should take you to the bottom of the activity log for John Doe.

## How to log/note outreach efforts to contact John Doe ( e.g. phone banking, texting or email )

Visually look a several lines below the Dashboard Edit Location … menu for another menu: “Note Email Log Contact …”. Ensure “Log Contact” is selected, then fill in the text box below, and complete the remainder of the “Log Contact” form, then save it (last highlighted button near bottom of form).

## How to log/note a general note about John Doe

Visually look a several lines below the Dashboard Edit Location … menu for another menu: Note “Email Log Contact …”. Ensure “Note” is selected, then fill in the text box below, and save your work (last highlighted button near bottom of form).

Nationbuilder Filter Menu hints

All filters and their code:

NB lingo/inside baseball terms: “succeeded_at…” == donated for the specified date range

###### {#rgrmc_imp_nb_filters}

# imp people filters | run often

The default sort order for filters is “most recently added”.

Unfortunately, NB does not support sort by modify time! This is a good reason to turn on email notifications. If a member that got in the database a year ago suddenly becomes active again, they will not show up in the top of the list.

## run often

00actnow or mem-stat-yes_or_donated_or_volun_o_commented ( identical filters ) : To check for new people hits to website / new activity. An important problem is that the sort order can not be changed to last modify time.

ispriority : Priority level has been manually set, so keep a relationship going with these people. “5” is highest. Most records do not have any priority.

billable-they-cost-us-money–these-get-our-mailblasts : Emailable entries should stay below 7000?

((supporter eq true) OR (prospect eq true)) AND (emailable eq true) AND (opted_in eq true)

###### {#epjtm_review_imp_page_activity}

## review recent activity on imp pages | CRITICAL

( Off topic, since these are not filters. )

Once/week look at/process these “page activity logs”:

We should reach out to the people that hit these pages as appropriate.

## targeting our active supporters/donors

donated-recently-wi-callable : (primary state isany [“WI”]) AND (callable eq true) AND (succeeded_at between [“2018-04-13”, “2019-07-01”])

member-status-is–indiv|family|monthly : (membership_with_status eq {“membershipTypeId”=>“3”, “membershipStatus”=>“active”}) OR (membership_with_status eq {“membershipTypeId”=>“1”, “membershipStatus”=>“active”}) OR (membership_with_status eq {“membershipTypeId”=>“2”, “membershipStatus”=>“active”})

## membership related

membersustaining-todo–chgfrom-individual : (membership_with_status eq {“membershipTypeId”=>“3”, “membershipStatus”=>“expired”}) AND (recurring_donation_status eq 1)

This is special case, needed to identify a few inconsistent records. It should find nothing, but it should be run several times per year.

If someone does one shot contributions before or after they are a sustaining member, that triggers an additional “individual membership” active status, which will expire in 1 year with no additional contributions – monthly sustaining payments have no impact.

###### {#hgvia__nb_filt_simplest}

# simplest/fundamental filters

isbanned : We plan to batch backup/then delete these.




###### {#itngq__nb_filt_routine_fixup}

## nb filt routine fixup


emailbad-and-optedout : Possible that these are spam; if so ban them which positions us to delete them. Otherwise try to get their email.

emailbad-callable << TODO

FYI/IMP!! : Is member, belongs to one of our membership types. NOT related to “Party Member”. (member eq true) FIXME!: family, indiv, monthly sus, secy, cochair, treasurer…

## clean the DB using these

isbanned : (banned eq true)

!mailabl_!callabl_!textabl_!sup_gpbelowX_!mem_emailabl_!JSP_v0 : (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND ((emailable eq true) AND (tags withnone [“JSP Donor”, “JSP List”, “JSP Supporter”]))

### fix me / fix these records

email_opted_in-not_emailable : (opted_in eq true) AND (emailable eq false)

gp+x_emailable : (emailable eq true) AND (capital gte 5) 12 days ago has tag

### db cleanup/deletes:

!fname!lname : (first_name exists false) AND (last_name exists false) AND (tags withnone [“JSP Donor”, “JSP List”, “JSP Supporter”])

!supporter_!prospect : (supporter eq false) AND (prospect eq false)

tealpoints-low-and-not-in-6state-area-or-not-in-usa : ((primary state isnone [“WI”, “IL”, “IN”, “MI”, “MN”, “IA”]) AND (capital lte 10)) OR ((primary country isnone [“US”]) AND (capital lte 10))

not_in_6state_area : (primary state isnone [“WI”, “IL”, “IN”, “MI”, “MN”, “IA”])

not-in-6state-area-or-not-in-usa : (primary state isnone [“WI”, “IL”, “IN”, “MI”, “MN”, “IA”]) OR (primary country isnone [“US”])

tealpoints-low-and-not-in-6state-area-or-not-in-usa : ((primary state isnone [“WI”, “IL”, “IN”, “MI”, “MN”, “IA”]) AND (capital lte 10)) OR ((primary country isnone [“US”]) AND (capital lte 10))

notmailabl_notcallabl_nottextabl_notsup_gpbelowX_notmem_emailabl_v0 : (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND ((emailable eq true) AND (tags withnone [“JSP Donor”, “JSP List”, “JSP Supporter”]))

notmailabl_notcallabl_nottextabl_notsup_gpbelowX_notmem_not_emailabl_v0 : (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND (emailable eq false)

notmailabl_notcallabl_nottextabl_notsup_gpbelowX_notmem_emailabl_notJSP_v0 : (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND ((emailable eq true) AND (tags withnone [“JSP Donor”, “JSP List”, “JSP Supporter”]))

notmailabl_notcallabl_nottextabl_notsup_gpbelowX_notmem_not_emailabl_v0 : (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND (emailable eq false)

# outreach/membership drives:

cts-rsvp2018 : (tags withany [“cts-rsvp2018”])

prospect_emailable_gp+x-or-jsptag : (prospect eq true) AND (emailable eq true) AND ((tags withany [“JSP Donor”, “JSP Supporter”, “JSP List”]) OR (capital gte 1))

is-mem-gpts+x-emailabl-callabl : (member eq true) AND (capital gte 20) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (callable eq true))

is-mem-w-gpts-above-X : ((primary state isany [“WI”]) AND (capital gt 20)) AND (member eq true)

membership_expired (status eq expired)

members_wo_recent_donations : (party_member eq true) AND (succeeded_at lte 2016-01-01) AND (capital lte 150)

MKE_40mi : (georadius within {“address_type”=>“primary”, “params”=>{“radius”=>“40”, “units”=>“miles”, “add…) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (callable eq true)) 27 days ago ##balance}}##

memdrive_activenondonors2019_v0 : (list withnone [“dn17_01_01_18_06_30”, “recurring_donors”]) AND (capital gte 15)

supporter_emailable_gp+x : (supporter eq true) AND (emailable eq true) AND (capital gte 5)

###### {#tofbk__nb_filter_schema}

# nb filter schema ```

Name First Name Middle Name Last Name Prefix Suffix Tags has been tagged Lists dynamically-build-list-of-lists Personal Date of birth Gender Race Ethnicity Household Resident Marital Status Deceased Occupation Employer Language Availablity Religion Place of Worship Bio Background Political Party Inferred Party Previous party Party member Relationships Relationship type Relationship to (with type) Relationship to Has relationship Title Paths On path Completed path Abandoned path Started path Began step On step On any path Path assigned to Step assigned to Expected completion date Current step due dateoStep is due today Step is overdue Completion reason Abandonment reason Contact History Point Person Do not call Do not contact Contacted (specific person) Contacted by Contact method Contact status Contacted on step Contacted on date Contacted on step (with date) Last contacted by Last contact method Last contact status Last contacted date Last contacted on step Donation history Has donated Has pledged Fundraiser Donation fundraiser name Total amount fundraised Total amount donated Total amount pledged Most recent amount donated First donation amount Number of donations Average amount donated Largest amount donated Individual donation amount Individual pledge amount Donation tracking code Pledge tracking code Donated from mailing (slug) Donated on page (slug) Election cycle (year) Election period Donation date Pledge Date Date of first donation Recurring donation status Email Email address Has email address Bad email Bouncing email Email opted in Email blast Opened email blast from Clicked email blast from Email blasts opened Email blasts clicked Address Address address1 Address address2 Address city Address county Address state Has country Address country Address zip Address Census FIPS Address is mailable Address geocode accuracy Address near Phone Any phone number Home phone number Mobile phone number Work phone number Callable Textable Voter Is a voter Voting history Absentee voter Primary ballot Permanent absentee voter Early voter Active voter Voter updated Number of general elections voted in Registration date Support probability score Turnout probability score Voting districts Precinct Federal district State upper district State lower district County District Township Ward City District City sub district Village District Judicial District School District School sub District Fire District Media market IDs Nationbuilder ID (person) CiviDRM ID County file ID Catalist ID External ID NGP ID (Person) PoliticalFORCE ID RNC ID RNC Registartion ID Salesforce ID State file ID VAN ID Voter GUID Social Twitter ID Twitter login Has Twitter info is dm-able on Twitter Twitter follower Facebook username Has Facebook info Is contactable on Facebook Interacted with Facebook page Folowing broadcaster Linkedin profile Activity Has rsvpd (specific event) Has hosted (specific event) Has rsvpd Has hosted Has attended Has attended (specific event) Has endorsed Has signed petition Petitions Has signed (specific petition) Has commented Has emailed Has called Has texted Has left voicemail Date of Twitter interaction Has interacted with any broadcaster on Twitter Has retweeted Number of Twitter interactions Number of retweets Liked Facebook post from broadcaster Date of Facebook post like Number of Facebook posts liked Has liked Facebook post User generated content amount Counts/dates of broadcaster retween Counts/dates of broadcaster mention Counts/dates of broadcaster Facebook post like Support Level Control panel user Became supporter Supporter Prospect Support level Inferred support level Could vote status Volunteer Membership with status Membership expires Member Membership is { Co-Chair, Individual, IT, Monthly Sustaining, National Committee Alternate, National Committee Delegate, Outreach Committee, Secretary, Treasurer, } with status { active, canceled, grace period, expired } Membership expires (any) Membership started (any) Violated rule Warned Banned Priority level Influence Number of twitter followers Teal Points Teal Points Earned Teal Points spent Is a recruiter Recruits count Teal points earned over time Teal points spent over time Origin Recruiter joined from page joined from page (specific page) Potencial duplicate Added by (person) Created at Updated at Imported Imported (specific file) Last login at ```

# All People filters as of Feb 2021

Name Search  Updated

00acton  (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (has_donated eq true) OR (volunteer eq true) OR (has_commented eq true) OR (tags withany ["contact_us_form", "volunteer"]) 14 hours ago

01donated-gt-x-since-y2  ((succeeded_at gt 2018-12-28) AND (amount gte 10)) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (has_email eq true) 8 months ago

02a-memactiv_o_donat_o_volun_o_commented_o_recent-gp-gt_x_o_pri  (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (has_donated eq true) OR (volunteer eq true) OR (has_commented eq true) OR (tags withany ["contact_us_form", "volunteer"]) OR (received_capital_in_timeframe gte {"amount"=>"16", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["2", "years"]}) OR (priority_level gte 1)    14 hours ago

02=candidate recruitment (tags withany ["candidate recruitment"])    2 months ago

02=committee signup  (tags withany ["committee signup"]) 2 months ago

02=contact_us_form   (tags withany ["contact_us_form"])  2 months ago

02=join-page (tags withany ["join-page"])    2 months ago

02mem_expired_sustaining (tags withany ["sustainer"]) AND (recurring_donation_status eq 2)   8 months ago

02_mem_sustaining_expired    (recurring_donation_status eq 2)    8 months ago

02recurring_donor    (recurring_donation_status eq 1)    8 months ago

02=sustainer (tags withany ["sustainer"])    2 months ago

02_sustainingexpired (tags withany ["sustainer"]) AND (recurring_donation_status eq 1)   14 hours ago

03cost-us-$--get-our-mailblasts  ((supporter eq true) OR (prospect eq true)) AND (emailable eq true) AND (opted_in eq true)  14 hours ago

03-crew_tag  (tags withany ["crew"]) 5 months ago

15_miles_of_Kenosha  (banned eq false) AND (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"15", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (callable eq true) AND (emailable eq true)    12 months ago

2020jul_calls    (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI", "IL", "MN"]) AND (tags withany ["2020jul_calls_tmp0"]) AND (donotcontact eq false) AND (donotcall eq false) AND (tags withnone ["crew"]) 14 hours ago

2020sg-3lists-1tag-4zoominfo-email   ((list withany ["memexpdonxafty", "donated_gt_x_since_y", "gp_gt_x_since_y"]) OR (tags withany ["crew"])) AND (has_email eq true)   10 months ago

2020sg-rsvpd-zoom-infogiven-onlyonce (rsvps eq 1132) AND (list withany ["2020sgzoom0417a"])  10 months ago

2020sgvoterlist0 (list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"]) OR (tags withany ["crew"])  10 months ago

2020sgvoterlist1 ((list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"]) AND (tags withany ["crew"])) OR (banned eq false) OR (emailable eq true)   10 months ago

2020sgvoterlist2 ((list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"]) OR (tags withany ["crew"])) OR (banned eq false) OR (emailable eq true)    10 months ago

2020sgvoterlist3 ((list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"]) OR (tags withany ["crew"])) AND (banned eq false) AND (emailable eq true)  10 months ago

2020springcalls  (list withall ["2020sprg_gather_call"]) 11 months ago

2020SpringGatheringCallableWideList  ((callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (rsvps ne 1132) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"15", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["1", "years"]}))    11 months ago

2020SpringGatheringCallableWideList2 ((callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (rsvps ne 1132) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"14", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-10-14"}))   11 months ago

40-fg20-zoommailbl   (tags withany ["02a-engaged-abit", "crew", "02_sustainingexpired"]) AND (emailable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"])    14 hours ago

50 Miles from La Crosse  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"address"=>"54650", "radius"=>"50", "u...) over 4 years ago

acton    (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (has_donated eq true) OR (volunteer eq true) OR (has_commented eq true) OR (tags withany ["contact_us_form", "volunteer"]) 8 months ago

Added since 2018-01-01   (tags withany ["contact_us_form"]) AND (created_at gte 2018-01-01) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) over 2 years ago

!banned  (banned eq false)   5 months ago

CentralWI-Point  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"address"=>"Stevens Point, WI", "radiu...) over 4 years ago

City Racine  (primary city eq racine)    4 years ago

Congressional District 2 Members (federal_district eq 2) AND (member eq true)    over 4 years ago

congressional_district_3 (federal_district eq 3) AND (emailable eq true) over 4 years ago

Congressional District 8 (federal_district eq 8) over 4 years ago

Congressional District 8 members (federal_district eq 8) AND (member eq true)    over 4 years ago

Contactable  (callable eq true) OR (textable eq true) OR (opted_in eq true)  12 months ago

core_supporters-gp+x-or-cpuser,reachable,supporter   ((capital gte 30) OR (permission_set_id eq true)) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND ((callable eq true) OR (emailable eq true) OR (primary mailable eq true)) AND (supporter eq true)    over 1 year ago

cts2020rspvd (rsvps eq 1134) 14 hours ago

donated_2017-01-01_2018-06-30    (succeeded_at between ["2018-04-13", "2019-04-13"]) AND (primary mailable eq true)  1 year ago

donated_20170722_20200722    (succeeded_at between ["2017-07-22", "2020-07-22"]) 14 hours ago

Donated after 10.15.2019 (succeeded_at gt 2019-10-15)    9 months ago

donated-any-time (succeeded_at gt 2013-01-01)    over 1 year ago

donated-gt-x-since-y ((succeeded_at gt 2018-10-14) AND (amount gte 10)) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"]) AND (has_email eq true) 10 months ago

donated-monthly-after-10-15.2019 (tags withany ["sustainer"]) AND (succeeded_at gt 2018-01-01)   9 months ago

donated-recently-wi-callable (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (callable eq true) AND (succeeded_at between ["2018-04-13", "2019-07-01"]) 1 year ago

Donated since prior fallgathering    (succeeded_at between ["2016-11-28", "2017-11-27"]) 2 years ago

donatedxsinceycallable-wi    ((succeeded_at gt 2019-01-01) AND (total_amount gte 20)) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])    9 months ago

door-cty (primary county startswith Door)    2 years ago

door-cty-emailable   (primary county startswith Door) AND (bad eq false) AND (emailable eq true) 2 years ago

Door-Cty-non_prospects   (primary county startswith Door) AND (prospect eq false)    2 years ago

!emailable_mailable_gp+x (primary mailable eq true) AND (capital gte 25) AND (emailable eq false)    almost 2 years ago

Emailable_supporters (supporter eq true) AND (emailable eq true) AND (opted_in eq true)  over 4 years ago

emailable--we-get-billed-for-total-count-of-these    (emailable eq true) 11 months ago

emailaddr_contains   (email contains @)  over 1 year ago

emailbad-and-optedout    (opted_in eq false) AND (bad eq true)   9 months ago

email_opted_in-not_emailable (opted_in eq true) AND (emailable eq false) almost 2 years ago

Federal District 5 members   (federal_district eq 5) AND (member eq true)    over 4 years ago

!fname!lname (first_name exists false) AND (last_name exists false) AND (tags withnone ["JSP Donor", "JSP List", "JSP Supporter"])   almost 2 years ago

Fon Du Lac_20Miles   (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"15", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (banned eq false)   12 months ago

gp-earned-after-y-gt-x-callable-wi   ((callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (rsvps ne 1132) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"15", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["1", "years"]}))    11 months ago

gp-gt-x-since-y  ((primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (rsvps ne 1132) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"14", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-10-14"})) AND (has_email eq true)  10 months ago

gp-gt-x-since-y2 ((primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"14", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-10-18"})) AND (has_email eq true)  10 months ago

gp-gt-x-since-y-wi-emailable (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"]) AND (emailable eq true) AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gte {"amount"=>"25", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2017-01-01"})   11 months ago

gp+x_emailable   (emailable eq true) AND (capital gte 5) almost 2 years ago

tealpoints-low-and-not-in-6state-area-or-not-in-usa  ((primary state isnone ["WI", "IL", "IN", "MI", "MN", "IA"]) AND (capital lte 10)) OR ((primary country isnone ["US"]) AND (capital lte 10))    over 2 years ago

has tag sustainer - 28 entries on 3-8-20 (tags withany ["sustainer"])    12 months ago

Hawkins Sheboygan Event 3/9/2020 (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"25", "units"=>"miles", "add...) 12 months ago

isbanned (banned eq true)    9 months ago

Is member, belongs to one of our membership types. NOT related to "Party Member".    (member eq true)    2 years ago

is-mem-gpts+x-emailabl-callabl   (member eq true) AND (capital gte 20) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (callable eq true))   almost 2 years ago

is-mem-w-gpts-above-X    ((primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (capital gt 20)) AND (member eq true) 2 years ago

isnotprospect-notsupporter   (prospect eq false) AND (supporter eq false)    9 months ago

ispriority   (priority_level eq 5) OR (priority_level eq 4) OR (priority_level eq 3) OR (priority_level eq 2) OR (priority_level eq 1)   8 months ago

isprospect   (prospect eq true)  9 months ago

issupporter  (supporter eq true) 9 months ago

Jacobs CD    (state_lower_district eq 57)    10 months ago

Jacobs CD CORRECT    (state_lower_district eq 54)    10 months ago

Kenosha_20Miles_Emailable    (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"25", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (emailable eq true) 12 months ago

Mad_30miles  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"address"=>"Madison, WI", "radius"=>"3...) 5 years ago

Mad 30 miles email openers   (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"30", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (opened eq {"select_id"=>"1", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["1", "years"]})   over 1 year ago

Madison  (primary city eq Madison)   over 3 years ago

Madison-Area-Electoral-Interest  (tags withany ["candidate recruitment", "elections committee signup"]) AND (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"30", "units"=>"miles", "add...)  over 1 year ago

mailable_emailable_6state_gp+x   (emailable eq true) AND (capital gte 34) AND (primary mailable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["IL", "IA", "MI", "MN", "WI", "IN"])  almost 2 years ago

member-donated-x-since-y-emailable   ((succeeded_at gt 2019-01-01) AND (total_amount gte 20)) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"]) AND (emailable eq true)   11 months ago

member-expired-donated-after-x3  ((status eq expired) AND (banned eq false) AND (has_email eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"])) AND (succeeded_at gt 2017-04-15)   10 months ago

member-expired-donated-after-x4  ((status eq expired) AND (banned eq false) AND (has_email eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"])) AND (succeeded_at gt 2018-04-15)   10 months ago

member-expired-donated-after-x5  ((status eq expired) AND (banned eq false) AND (has_email eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"])) AND (succeeded_at gt 2018-04-18)   10 months ago

membernewsletter-from-ismember-or--grpts-gtx ((status eq active) OR (status eq expired) OR (received_capital_in_timeframe gte {"amount"=>"25", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["5", "years"]})) AND (primary mailable eq true)   12 months ago

membernewsletter-from-ismember-or--grpts-gtx2    ((status eq active) OR (status eq expired) OR (received_capital_in_timeframe gte {"amount"=>"25", "date_operand"=>"inthelast", "date_value"=>["5", "years"]})) AND (primary mailable eq true) AND (banned eq false) 12 months ago

membersdonatedcallable2020sprggather (succeeded_at gt 2019-01-01) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])    11 months ago

membersdonatedcallable2020sprggather2    (succeeded_at gt 2018-10-14) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])    11 months ago

membership_expired   (status eq expired) almost 2 years ago

membership_individual    (membership eq 3)   10 months ago

membership_monthlysustainer  (membership eq 2)   10 months ago

member-status-is--indiv|family|monthly   (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"})   12 months ago

member-status-is--indiv|family|monthly2  ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"expired"})) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"expired"})) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"expired"}))    12 months ago

member-status_or-donated_or_vol_or_commented (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) OR (has_donated eq true) OR (volunteer eq true) OR (has_commented eq true)    8 months ago

membersustaining-todo--chgfrom-individual    (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"expired"}) AND (recurring_donation_status eq 1)   9 months ago

memdrive_activenondonors2019_v0  (list withnone ["recurring_donors", "dn17_01_01_18_06_30"]) AND (capital gte 15)    2 years ago

mem-renewal_drive_mailable-wi    (succeeded_at between ["2018-04-13", "2019-09-01"]) AND (primary mailable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) 1 year ago

Milwaukee_County (primary city eq milwaukee, tealfield, bayside, fox point, tealdale, shorewood, wauwatosa, whitefish bay, brown deer, franklin, oak creek, south milwaukee, west allis, cudahy, glendale, hales corners, river hills, st. francis, west milwaukee)  2 years ago

MKE40mi  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"40", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (callable eq true) OR (primary mailable eq true))   14 days ago

MKE40mi-emailable    (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"40", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (primary mailable eq true)) 14 hours ago

mke_emailable100mi   (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"100", "units"=>"miles", "ad...) AND (emailable eq true) 12 months ago

Name Last None   (last_name exists false)    1 year ago

Nmailable-by-id  (id eq 8625) AND (primary mailable eq false)    over 1 year ago

Nmailabl_Nemailabl_Ncallabl_Ntextabl_Nsup_gpbelowX_Nmem_NJSP (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 10) AND (member eq false) AND (tags withnone ["JSP Donor", "JSP List", "JSP Supporter"]) AND (emailable eq false) over 1 year ago

NonmembersCallable2020SpringGathering    ((callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (rsvps ne 1132))   11 months ago

not_in_6state_area   (primary state isnone ["WI", "IL", "IN", "MI", "MN", "IA"]) over 2 years ago

not-in-6state-area-or-not-in-usa (primary state isnone ["WI", "IL", "IN", "MI", "MN", "IA"]) OR (primary country isnone ["US"])  over 2 years ago

notmailabl_notcallabl_nottextabl_notsup_gpbelowX_notmem_not_emailabl_v0  (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false) AND (supporter eq false) AND (capital lte 15) AND (member eq false) AND (emailable eq false)    14 hours ago

Oshkosh residents    (primary city contains Oshkosh) over 4 years ago

ourbase-supporter-wi-callable-donated-gpts+x ((primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (capital gt 20)) AND (has_donated eq true) AND ((home_phone exists true) OR (mobile_phone exists true))   over 1 year ago

phonebank_memdrive2019v3 ((capital gte 40) OR (volunteer eq true) OR (tags withany ["contact_us_form"])) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (callable eq true) AND ((supporter eq true) OR (prospect eq true)) over 1 year ago

postalmailing_gp+x_primarypostalmailable_in_wi   (capital gte 20) AND (primary mailable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"])    over 1 year ago

postalmailing_gp+x_primarypostalmailable_in_Xstatearea   (capital gte 20) AND (primary mailable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["IL", "IA", "MI", "MN", "WI", "IN"])  over 1 year ago

prospect_emailable_gp+x-or-jsptag    (prospect eq true) AND (emailable eq true) AND ((tags withany ["JSP Donor", "JSP Supporter", "JSP List"]) OR (capital gte 1))   almost 2 years ago

Prospect email openers   (opened eq {"select_id"=>"1", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-08-28"}) AND (prospect eq true)   over 1 year ago

Racine   (primary city eq Racine)    over 3 years ago

Racine 20 mile radius not Racine (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"20", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (primary city ne Racine)    over 3 years ago

recurring_donor  (recurring_donation_status eq 1)    2 years ago

Rock County Wisc 2   (primary city eq janesville, beloit, clinton, milton, brodhead, evansville, whitewater) over 4 years ago

Rock County Wisconsin    (primary city eq janesville, beloit, milton, evansville, brodhead, clinton) over 4 years ago

sen dist 31  (state_upper_district eq 31)    over 2 years ago

Sheboygan_20miles_Prospects  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"20", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (prospect eq true) AND (banned eq false)    12 months ago

Sheboygan_Area_Prospects (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"40", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND (prospect eq true) AND (banned eq false)    12 months ago

Stevens Point +30 miles  (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"30", "units"=>"miles", "add...) 3 years ago

StevensPoint-within50miles   (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"50", "units"=>"miles", "add...) over 1 year ago

supporter_emailable_gp+x (supporter eq true) AND (emailable eq true) AND (capital gte 5) almost 2 years ago

Supporter email openers  (opened eq {"select_id"=>"1", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-08-28"}) AND (supporter eq true)  over 1 year ago

!supporter_!prospect (supporter eq false) AND (prospect eq false)    almost 2 years ago

Tomas W recent outreach 3/20 (contacted_by eq 5376) AND (last_contacted_at gt 2020-03-01)    12 months ago

toss ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false)) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false)) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false))  11 months ago

toss01   ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"]))  11 months ago

tossApr16a   (list withall ["2020sprg_gather_call"]) AND (list withnone ["rsvpd2020sgapr16a"])   10 months ago

toss-soon00  ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"3", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"1", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"])) OR ((membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"}) AND (membership_lapsed eq false) AND (callable eq true) AND (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (tags withnone ["2020springgathering"]))  11 months ago

unreachable  (has_email eq false) AND (primary mailable eq false) AND (callable eq false) AND (textable eq false)    8 months ago

volunteer-or-contact_us  (tags withany ["contact_us_form"]) OR (volunteer eq true)   9 months ago

volunteer-recent (has_been_tagged eq true) AND (volunteer eq true)   9 months ago

Waukesha Area    (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"5", "units"=>"miles", "addr...) AND (donotcontact eq false) 8 months ago

welcome-needed   (tags withany ["welcome-call-needed"])  over 1 year ago

Wisconsin    (primary state isany ["WI"]) AND (member eq true) AND (membership_with_status eq {"membershipTypeId"=>"2", "membershipStatus"=>"active"})   9 months ago

Women    (gender eq F)   3 years ago

x_miles_MKE_emailabl_callabl_gpabove_y   (georadius within {"address_type"=>"primary", "params"=>{"radius"=>"40", "units"=>"miles", "add...) AND ((emailable eq true) OR (callable eq true)) AND (capital gte 5) almost 2 years ago

Teal Points / Social Capital

   Control Panel> Settings> Teal points

   Abbreviation: GP
   TODO: add in all fields, i.e. the ones we are not using.

                               Signup      Author      Recruiter
   Banned                          -100%
   Contacted                                   +1GP
   Donation                        +10GP
   Donation Cancel                 -10GP

   Donation Deleted                -10GP
   Donation Raised                             +2GP
   Endorsement                     +4GP
   Event Attended                  +5GP
   Event Created                   +4GP

   Event RSVP                      +2GP
   Event Cancel RSVP               -2GP

   Facebook Post Like              +0.2GP      +1GP
   Follower                        +1GP

   Invoice Payment                 +10GP
   Invoice Payment Cancel          -10GP

   Invoice Payment Referal                     +2GP

   Invoice Payment Refunded        -10GP

   Membership                      +10GP
   Membership Canceled             -10GP

   Membership Renewed              +10GP

   Page Follow                     +1GP
   Page Unfollow                   -1GP

   Petition Signature              +4GP

   Pledge                          +4GP
   Pledge Cancel                   -4GP

   Profile Private Note                        +1GP
   Prospect Follower               +3GP
   Recruited Signup                            +10GP
   Retweet                                     +2GP
   Rule Violation 1                -3GP

   Rule Violation 2                -3GP

   Signup                          +5GP
   Suggestion Answer                           +3GP
   Supporter                       +5GP
   Supporter Auto-imported         +5GP
   Supporter Imported              +5GP

   Supporter Pledge No                         +3GP
   Supporter Pledge No Cancel                  -3GP

   Supporter Pledge Unsure         +3GP        +3GP
   Supporter Pledge Unsure Cancel  -3GP        +3GP

   Supporter Pledge Yes            +5GP        +3GP
   Supporter Pledge Yes Cancel     -5GP        -3GP

   Supporter Quit                  -100%
   Survey Question Response        +1GP

   Text Message Subscribe          +5GP
   Text Message Unsubscribe        -5GP

   Tweet                                       +2GP

   Twitter Follower                +4GP
   Twitter Unfollow                -4GP

   Unfollow                        -1GP
   Unsubscribe                     -5GP
   Volunteer Quit                  -10GP
   Volunteer Role Quit             -2GP
   Volunteer Role Signup           +2GP
   Volunteer Signup                +10GP

   Vote Pledge No                              +5GP
   Vote Pledge No Cancel                       -5GP

   Vote Pledge Unsure              +5GP        +5GP
   Vote Pledge Unsure Cancel       -5GP        -5GP

   Vote Pledge Yes                 +10GP       +5GP
   Vote Pledge Yes Cancel          -10GP       -5GP

new phone bank list as spreadsheet (NB)

See below “new postal mailing list as spreadsheet”.

new postal mailing list as spreadsheet (NB); postal mailing labels

How to get a printable spreadsheet with minimal columns; useful as a google sheet collaborative phone banking worksheet – multiple people can edit at same time.

Typically you filter first

IMP: select people and organizations first

Run filter, e.g.: ‘callable_supporter’. – phone banking

“mailable_usa_canada” == peace action’s postal mailing filter

export your list to a csv file

Actions > Export

IMP: Validate that your query code is displayed; otherwise you might end up exporting ‘ALL’ by mistake.

Before exporting, Set (rename) export name to something like:


Keep in mind, that you will probably use this as a template for to select same fields for your next export.

Example peace action export template:


On export screen click on ‘Customize fields to export’.

You always get the NB record ID integer in the export which is good.

Suggest you select these fields at a minimum:

Name > Full Name
Name > Last name (for a sort)
Email > Primary Email ( omit for postal mailng list )
Phone > Home Number ( omit for postal mailng list )
Phone > Mobile Number ( omit for postal mailng list )
Address > Primary Address1 (mailing list is for who knows what??)
Address > Primary Address2
Address > Primary City
Address > Primary State
Address > Primary Zipcode

Click ‘Export selected fields’

Click on the CSV file created to download.

Import the csv file into google sheets (preferred since it its collaborative/realtime/editable).

Ramon Hyron Garcia

Ramon showed some interest in WIGP per WIGP website.

[ Ramon Hyron Garcia announced in May. According to his website, Ramon has worked as a hardware store manager, a foreman, and a hospital telemetry tech. He attended La Cordon Bleu in Chicago and does not have a college degree. Ramon has MS and is on SS Disability. He has written a book about living with MS, No More Depression. He is also a life coach.]

by or about Ramon Hyron Garcia

Ramon Hyron Garcia, candidate for 5th District Congress in Wisconsin

“If we are going to start #movingForwardUnited, we need to stop mass
incarceration. We need to stop places like MSDF [Milwaukee Secure Detention
Facility] in Milwaukee. #CLOSEmsdf #wiunion #wipolitics #VoterSuppression
#VoteBlue #WI5”

Has his address in West Allis.

Creatine Supplements

A clinical study has shown that the intake of pure, high-quality creatine alone, or in combination with exercise, may reduce and delay age-related muscle atrophy, by improving fat-free body mass, muscle strength and endurance, while simultaneously improving bone density.

“If you’re going to add a supplement in, make sure it’s creatine monohydrate,” Brown said. “A lot of other supplements out there will have a lot of junk that you don’t need, and they’ll be much more expensive.”

“…found in beef, pork, and salmon.”

…“Creatine is one of the most-researched sports supplements out there,” Kerksick says. “And there’s no published literature to suggest it’s unsafe.”

Avoid drinking caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) or taking herbal stimulants such as ephedra or Ma Huang while you are taking creatine. Combining this product with these substances may increase your risk of having a stroke or other serious medical problems.

Avoid becoming overheated or dehydrated during exercise and in hot weather.

The most common and well-researched supplement form is called creatine monohydrate.

2.2 pounds (1 kg) of monohydrate can be purchased for about $20 USD. If you take a standard dose of 3–5 grams per day, this amount will last for 200 to 330 days.

Low oxalate diet

Drink plenty of water: Aim for a minimum of 2 liters daily. If you have kidney stones, drink enough to produce at least 2.5 liters of urine a day (6).

Get enough calcium: Calcium binds to oxalate in the gut and reduces the amount your body absorbs, so try to get about 800–1,200 mg per day (1, 16).

‘pass’ gpg password manager

snips from my ‘pass’ notes

## new gitolite pass store in ~/$passstoreleaf/ dir

        # Later we git clone to ~/$passstoreleaf/.

    true "on $ep add new repo and it's users to gitolite.conf"; cd ~/repos/gitolite-admin/conf && 2v gitolite.conf
    true;cd ~/repos/gitolite-admin/conf && less gitolite.conf

       # In gitolite.conf, leading dot removed from repo name:
       repo password-store-wigp
           RW+     =   kdj

    # On $ep these steps create the new gitolite repo:
    cd ~/repos/gitolite-admin/conf && _gst
    git add gitolite.conf &&  _gci -m "adding new repo" ###
    git push        # so gitolite makes the repo
    echo Notice the user is 'git': zg == $zg
    ssh $zg info    ## New repo should be listed.

## git clone from remote pass repo, and setup local pass repo

    echo "passstoreleaf:[$passstoreleaf]" ###

    mkdir -v ~/$passstoreleaf
    cd ~/$passstoreleaf
    git clone $zg:${passstoreleaf#.} .  ;ls -a ### should make  ./.git/
        # Should create an empty repo.

    true;( cd /tmp; wget ) ###
    less /tmp/pass_bash-functions
    source pass_bash-functions          ## provides '_gpassinit()'

    PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=$PWD   _gpassinit
        # Above is run in the pass repo dir ( has ./.git )
        # Important: all the public keys you list have to be on your gpg keyring!

    git push

    # test case:
        pass generate googleacct/ 21
        pass ls
        pass show googleacct/         # May prompt for gpg passphrase.

## deleting a pass store

Edit gitolite.conf to delete the "password-store-mlug-test" stanza.

commit and push

ssh $zg info # Shows no trace of "password-store-mlug-test" repo

IMP: You still have to login to gitolite server and 'rm' the 'password-store-mlug-test.git/'

## standard format from 'Data Organization' section of 'pass' man page:

    One approach is to use the multi-line functionality of pass (`--multiline`
    or `-m` in `insert`), and store the password itself on the first line of
    the file, and the additional information on subsequent lines. For example,
    `Amazon/bookreader` might look like this:

        URL: **
        Secret Question 1: What is your childhood best friend's most bizarre superhero fantasy? Oh god, Amazon, it's too awful to say...
        Phone Support PIN #: 84719

    *This is the preferred organzational scheme used by the author.* The `--clip`
    / `-c` options will only copy the first line of such a file to the clipboard,
    thereby making it easy to fetch the password for login forms, while retaining
    additional information in the same file.

### My take on standard format

The pathname part should answer the question where to login, and what is the loginame;
the first line is the password.


    $ pass show,
    (trello) Full Name: gmgp projplan
    (trello) Username: gmgpprojplan
    why: owner of GMGP trello boards
    made: Fri 11 May 2018

## Example 'pass' commands:

    pass insert  && pass edit     # enter pw ; next $EDITOR invoked for multiline additions

    pass insert twitter/@jdoe                   # Prompts, accepts exactly one line for the password. Store is in file twitter/@jdoe.gpg

    pass show                   # Show password store (by convention 1st line in file is the password)

    pass insert -m foo/bar/zim              # Creates new file foo/bar/zim.gpg , you enter multiple lines and terminate w/^D ( no editor).
    pass edit foo/bar/zim                   # Use $EDITOR to edit decrypted version of foo/bar/zim.gpg.

    pass mv

    pass rm,
                                            # On File system:
                                            #   rm,
                                            #   rmdir    # But only if empty.

    pass init       # REPO WIDE
                                            # Assume was new, if so re-encrypts.

On-line or In-Distro ‘pass’ docs

: {{{ /usr/share/doc/pass/COPYING
++ hostname
++ ls -l --time-style=long-iso /usr/share/doc/pass/COPYING
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 18706 2018-08-02 22:32 /usr/share/doc/pass/COPYING
++ zcat -f /usr/share/doc/pass/COPYING
Password Store is Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Jason A. Donenfeld <>. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 2, June 1991

 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
your programs, too.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their

  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.

  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License.

    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.

  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
    customarily used for software interchange; or,

    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
    received the program in object code or executable form with such
    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.

  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.

  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.

  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software

  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

                            NO WARRANTY



                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:

    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
  Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

: }}}  /usr/share/doc/pass/COPYING

: {{{ /usr/share/doc/pass/README
++ hostname
++ ls -l --time-style=long-iso /usr/share/doc/pass/README
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 809 2018-08-02 22:32 /usr/share/doc/pass/README
++ zcat -f /usr/share/doc/pass/README
Simple Password Store
by Jason Donenfeld

This is a very simple password store that encrypts passwords using gpg and
places the encrypted password in a directory. It can generate new passwords
and keep track of old ones.

Visit the project page for more information:

Please see the man page for documentation and examples.

Depends on:
- bash
- GnuPG2
- git
- xclip
- tree >= 1.7.0
- GNU getopt
- qrencode
: }}}  /usr/share/doc/pass/README

: {{{ /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
++ hostname
++ ls -l --time-style=long-iso /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 158 2018-08-02 22:32 /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
++ zcat -f /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
# 1.0.1

* (bugfix) Quote shell arguments in async call

# 1.0.0

* (feature) Call `pass edit` so that changes get committed to git

# 0.1

* Initial release
: }}}  /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/

: {{{ /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
++ hostname
++ ls -l --time-style=long-iso /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 664 2018-08-02 22:32 /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
++ zcat -f /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/
# Emacs password-store

This package provides functions for working with pass ("the standard
Unix password manager").

## Setup

The pass application must be installed and set up. See the pass
website for instructions

## Example usage


    M-x password-store-insert
    Password entry: example
    Password: ........
    Confirm password: ........

    M-x password-store-copy
    Password entry: example
    Copied example to the kill ring. Will clear in 45 seconds.
    Password cleared.


    (password-store-insert "example" "password")
    (password-store-get "example") ; Returns "password"
: }}}  /usr/share/doc/pass/emacs/

: {{{ /usr/share/doc/pass/vim/redact_pass.txt
++ hostname
++ ls -l --time-style=long-iso /usr/share/doc/pass/vim/redact_pass.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1540 2018-08-02 22:32 /usr/share/doc/pass/vim/redact_pass.txt
++ zcat -f /usr/share/doc/pass/vim/redact_pass.txt
*redact_pass.txt*   For Vim version 6.0 Last change: 2018 June 24

DESCRIPTION                 *redact_pass*

This plugin switches off the 'viminfo', 'backup', 'writebackup', 'swapfile',
and 'undofile' options globally when editing a password in `pass(1)`.

This is to prevent anyone being able to extract passwords from your Vim cache
files in the event of a compromise.

You should test this after installation to ensure you see this message is
printed whenever you `pass edit`:

> Editing password file--disabled leaky options!

REQUIREMENTS                    *redact_pass-requirements*

This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set. It also requires the
|+autocmd| feature.

IMPLEMENTATION                  *redact_pass-implementation*

The options are disabled globally rather than attempting to set them local to
the buffer only, which was the flawed approach of previous versions. This is
mostly because of the 'viminfo' option; it's global, and there's no meaningful
way to exclude information from the sensitive buffer from appearing in it.

Because the typical use case for editing a password file in Vim is that you
load and change a single short document, and then quit, it's more sensible to
just turn the relevant options off completely, and makes what the plugin is
doing more reliable and straightforward to understand.

AUTHOR                      *redact_pass-author*

Written and maintained by Tom Ryder <>.

LICENSE                     *redact_pass-license*

Licensed for distribution under the same terms as the pass(1) project.

: }}}  /usr/share/doc/pass/vim/redact_pass.txt

_man_file_dump -v [/usr/share/man/man1/pass.1.gz] {{{
PASS(1)                                                                      Password Store                                                                     PASS(1)

       pass - stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely

       pass [ COMMAND ] [ OPTIONS ]... [ ARGS ]...

       pass is a very simple password store that keeps passwords inside gpg2(1) encrypted files inside a simple directory tree residing at ~/.password-store.  The pass
       utility provides a series of commands for manipulating the password store, allowing the user to add, remove, edit, synchronize, generate, and  manipulate  pass-

       If  no  COMMAND  is specified, COMMAND defaults to either show or ls, depending on the type of specifier in ARGS. Alternatively, if PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTEN-
       SIONS is set to "true", and the file .extensions/COMMAND.bash exists inside the password store and is executable, then it is sourced into the environment, pass-
       ing any arguments and environment variables. Extensions existing in a system-wide directory, only installable by the administrator, are always enabled.

       Otherwise COMMAND must be one of the valid commands listed below.

       Several of the commands below rely on or provide additional functionality if the password store directory is also a git repository. If the password store direc-
       tory is a git repository, all password store modification commands will cause a corresponding git commit. Sub-directories may be separate nested  git  reposito-
       ries,  and  pass  will use the inner-most directory relative to the current password. See the EXTENDED GIT EXAMPLE section for a detailed description using init
       and git(1).

       The init command must be run before other commands in order to initialize the password store with the correct gpg key id. Passwords are encrypted using the  gpg
       key set with init.

       There is a corresponding bash completion script for use with tab completing password names in bash(1).

       init [ --path=sub-folder, -p sub-folder ] gpg-id...
              Initialize  new  password  storage and use gpg-id for encryption. Multiple gpg-ids may be specified, in order to encrypt each password with multiple ids.
              This command must be run first before a password store can be used. If the specified gpg-id is different from the key used in any existing  files,  these
              files  will  be  reencrypted  to use the new id.  Note that use of gpg-agent(1) is recommended so that the batch decryption does not require as much user
              intervention. If --path or -p is specified, along with an argument, a specific gpg-id or set of gpg-ids is assigned for that specific sub folder  of  the
              password  store.  If only one gpg-id is given, and it is an empty string, then the current .gpg-id file for the specified sub-folder (or root if unspeci-
              fied) is removed.

       ls subfolder
              List names of passwords inside the tree at subfolder by using the tree(1) program. This command is alternatively named list.

       grep [GREPOPTIONS] search-string
              Searches inside each decrypted password file for search-string, and displays line containing matched string along with filename. Uses grep(1) for  match-
              ing. GREPOPTIONS are passed to grep(1) as-is. (Note: the GREP_OPTIONS environment variable functions as well.)

       find pass-names...
              List names of passwords inside the tree that match pass-names by using the tree(1) program. This command is alternatively named search.

       show [ --clip[=line-number], -c[line-number] ] [ --qrcode[=line-number], -q[line-number] ] pass-name
              Decrypt and print a password named pass-name. If --clip or -c is specified, do not print the password but instead copy the first (or otherwise specified)
              line to the clipboard using xclip(1) and then restore the clipboard after 45 (or PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME) seconds. If --qrcode or -q  is  specified,  do
              not print the password but instead display a QR code using qrencode(1) either to the terminal or graphically if supported.

       insert [ --echo, -e | --multiline, -m ] [ --force, -f ] pass-name
              Insert  a new password into the password store called pass-name. This will read the new password from standard in. If --echo or -e is not specified, dis-
              able keyboard echo when the password is entered and confirm the password by asking for it twice. If --multiline or -m is specified, lines  will  be  read
              until EOF or Ctrl+D is reached. Otherwise, only a single line from standard in is read. Prompt before overwriting an existing password, unless --force or
              -f is specified. This command is alternatively named add.

       edit pass-name
              Insert a new password or edit an existing password using the default text editor specified by the environment variable EDITOR or using vi(1) as  a  fall-
              back.  This  mode  makes  use  of temporary files for editing, but care is taken to ensure that temporary files are created in /dev/shm in order to avoid
              writing to difficult-to-erase disk sectors. If /dev/shm is not accessible, fallback to the ordinary TMPDIR location, and print a warning.

       generate [ --no-symbols, -n ] [ --clip, -c ] [ --in-place, -i | --force, -f ] pass-name [pass-length]
              Generate a new password using /dev/urandom of length pass-length (or PASSWORD_STORE_GENERATED_LENGTH if unspecified) and insert into pass-name. If  --no-
              symbols  or -n is specified, do not use any non-alphanumeric characters in the generated password. The character sets used in generating passwords can be
              changed with the PASSWORD_STORE_CHARACTER_SET and PASSWORD_STORE_CHARACTER_SET_NO_SYMBOLS environment variables, described below.  If  --clip  or  -c  is
              specified,  do  not  print  the  password  but  instead  copy  it  to  the  clipboard  using  xclip(1)  and then restore the clipboard after 45 (or PASS-
              WORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME) seconds. If --qrcode or -q is specified, do not print the password but instead display a QR code using qrencode(1)  either  to  the
              terminal  or  graphically  if supported. Prompt before overwriting an existing password, unless --force or -f is specified. If --in-place or -i is speci-
              fied, do not interactively prompt, and only replace the first line of the password file with the new generated password, keeping  the  remainder  of  the
              file intact.

       rm [ --recursive, -r ] [ --force, -f ] pass-name
              Remove  the  password  named  pass-name from the password store. This command is alternatively named remove or delete. If --recursive or -r is specified,
              delete pass-name recursively if it is a directory. If --force or -f is specified, do not interactively prompt before removal.

       mv [ --force, -f ] old-path new-path
              Renames the password or directory named old-path to new-path. This command is alternatively named rename. If --force  is  specified,  silently  overwrite
              new-path  if it exists. If new-path ends in a trailing /, it is always treated as a directory. Passwords are selectively reencrypted to the corresponding
              keys of their new destination.

       cp [ --force, -f ] old-path new-path
              Copies the password or directory named old-path to new-path. This command is alternatively named copy. If --force is specified, silently  overwrite  new-
              path if it exists. If new-path ends in a trailing /, it is always treated as a directory. Passwords are selectively reencrypted to the corresponding keys
              of their new destination.

       git git-command-args...
              If the password store is a git repository, pass git-command-args as arguments to git(1) using the password store as the git repository.  If  git-command-
              args  is  init, in addition to initializing the git repository, add the current contents of the password store to the repository in an initial commit. If
              the git config key pass.signcommits is set to true, then all commits will be signed using user.signingkey or the default git signing key. This config key
              may be turned on using: `pass git config --bool --add pass.signcommits true`

       help   Show usage message.

              Show version information.

       Initialize password store
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass init
              mkdir: created directory `/home/zx2c4/.password-store'
              Password store initialized for

       List existing passwords in store
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass
              Password Store

              Alternatively, "pass ls".

       Find existing passwords in store that match .com
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass find .com
              Search Terms: .com

              Alternatively, "pass search .com".

       Show existing password
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass Email/

       Copy existing password to clipboard
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass -c Email/
              Copied Email/ to clipboard. Will clear in 45 seconds.

       Add password to store
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert Business/cheese-whiz-factory
              Enter password for Business/cheese-whiz-factory: omg so much cheese what am i gonna do

       Add multiline password to store
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert -m Business/cheese-whiz-factory
              Enter contents of Business/cheese-whiz-factory and press Ctrl+D when finished:

              Hey this is my

       Generate new password
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate Email/ 15
              The generated password to Email/ is:

       Generate new alphanumeric password
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate -n Email/ 12
              The generated password to Email/ is:

       Generate new password and copy it to the clipboard
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate -c Email/ 19
              Copied Email/ to clipboard. Will clear in 45 seconds.

       Remove password from store
              zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass remove Business/cheese-whiz-factory
              rm: remove regular file `/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg'? y
              removed `/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg'

       Here,  we  initialize  new password store, create a git repository, and then manipulate and sync passwords. Make note of the arguments to the first call of pass
       git push; consult git-push(1) for more information.

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass init
       mkdir: created directory `/home/zx2c4/.password-store'
       Password store initialized for

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git init
       Initialized empty Git repository in /home/zx2c4/.password-store/.git/
       [master (root-commit) 998c8fd] Added current contents of password store.
        1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
        create mode 100644 .gpg-id

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git remote add origin

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate Amazon/ 21
       mkdir: created directory `/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Amazon'
       [master 30fdc1e] Added generated password for Amazon/ to store.
       1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
       create mode 100644 Amazon/
       The generated password to Amazon/ is:

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git push -u --all
       Counting objects: 4, done.
       Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
       Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
       Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 921 bytes, done.
       Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
       * [new branch]      master -> master
       Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert Amazon/
       Enter password for Amazon/ som3r3a11yb1gp4ssw0rd!!88**
       [master b9b6746] Added given password for Amazon/ to store.
       1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
       create mode 100644 Amazon/

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass rm Amazon/
       rm: remove regular file `/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Amazon/'? y
       removed `/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Amazon/'
       rm 'Amazon/'
       [master 288b379] Removed Amazon/ from store.
       1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
       delete mode 100644 Amazon/

       zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git push
       Counting objects: 9, done.
       Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
       Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
       Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 1.25 KiB, done.
       Total 7 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

              The default password storage directory.

              Contains the default gpg key identification used for encryption and decryption.  Multiple gpg keys may be specified in this file, one per line.  If  this
              file exists in any sub directories, passwords inside those sub directories are encrypted using those keys. This should be set using the init command.

              The directory containing extension files.

              Overrides the default password storage directory.

              Overrides  the  default  gpg  key  identification set by init. Keys must not contain spaces and thus use of the hexadecimal key signature is recommended.
              Multiple keys may be specified separated by spaces.

              Additional options to be passed to all invocations of GPG.

              Overrides the selection passed to xclip, by default clipboard. See xclip(1) for more info.

              Specifies the number of seconds to wait before restoring the clipboard, by default 45 seconds.

              Sets the umask of all files modified by pass, by default 077.

              The default password length if the pass-length parameter to generate is unspecified.

              The character set to be used in password generation for generate. This value is to be interpreted by tr. See tr(1) for more info.

              The character set to be used in no-symbol password generation for generate, when --no-symbols, -n is specified. This value is to be  interpreted  by  tr.
              See tr(1) for more info.

              This environment variable must be set to "true" for extensions to be enabled.

              The location to look for executable extension files, by default PASSWORD_STORE_DIR/.extensions.

              If  this  environment  variable is set, then all .gpg-id files and non-system extension files must be signed using a detached signature using the GPG key
              specified by the full 40 character upper-case fingerprint in this variable. If multiple fingerprints are specified, each separated by a whitespace  char-
              acter, then signatures must match at least one.  The init command will keep signatures of .gpg-id files up to date.

       EDITOR The location of the text editor used by edit.

       gpg2(1), tr(1), git(1), xclip(1), qrencode(1).

       pass  was  written  by  Jason  A.  Donenfeld  <>.   For  updates and more information, a project page is available on the World Wide Web <http://>.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  published  by  the  Free  Software
       Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This  program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
       PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free  Software  Foundation,  Inc.,  51  Franklin
       Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

ZX2C4                                                                        2014 March 18                                                                      PASS(1)
:end _man_file_dump -v [/usr/share/man/man1/pass.1.gz] }}} {{{
--2019-06-05 12:22:18--
Resolving ( 2607:5300:61:14f::c05f:543,
Connecting to (|2607:5300:61:14f::c05f:543|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 18867 (18K) [text/html]
Saving to: ‘STDOUT’

     0K .......... ........                                   100% 46.1M=0s

2019-06-05 12:22:20 (46.1 MB/s) - written to stdout [18867/18867]

+ set -e
+ : saving HTML to /a/rodmant/tmp/_html2markdown.HTML.STDIN.6C6cV
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ cat
+ PANDOC_SETTINGS=markdown-raw_html-link_attributes-escaped_line_breaks
+ markdown_colums_def=1400
+ pandoc -f html -t markdown-raw_html-link_attributes-escaped_line_breaks --columns=1400
[A ZX2C4 Project](
pass {#project_title}

the standard unix password manager {#project_tagline}


Introducing `pass`

Password management should be simple and follow [Unix philosophy]( With `pass`, each password lives inside of a [`gpg`]( encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities.

`pass` makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in `~/.password-store`, and `pass` provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It\'s capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using [`git`](

You can edit the password store using ordinary unix shell commands alongside the `pass` command. There are no funky file formats or new paradigms to learn. There is [bash]( [completion]( so that you can simply hit tab to fill in names and commands, as well as completion for [zsh]( and [fish]( available in the [completion]( folder. The **very active community** has produced many impressive **[clients and GUIs for other platforms](#other)** as well as **[extensions](#extensions)** for `pass` itself.

The `pass` command is extensively documented in its [man page](


### Using the password store

We can list all the existing passwords in the store:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass
    Password Store
    ├── Business
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── Email
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── France
        ├── bank
        ├── freebox
        └── mobilephone

And we can show passwords too:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass Email/

Or copy them to the clipboard:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass -c Email/
    Copied Email/ to clipboard. Will clear in 45 seconds.

There will be a nice password input dialog using the standard `gpg-agent` (which can be configured to stay authenticated for several minutes), since all passwords are encrypted.

We can add existing passwords to the store with `insert`:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert Business/cheese-whiz-factory
    Enter password for Business/cheese-whiz-factory: omg so much cheese what am i gonna do

This also handles multiline passwords or other data with `--multiline` or `-m`, and passwords can be edited in your default text editor using `pass edit pass-name`.

The utility can `generate` new passwords using `/dev/urandom` internally:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate Email/ 15
    The generated password to Email/ is:

It\'s possible to generate passwords with no symbols using `--no-symbols` or `-n`, and we can copy it to the clipboard instead of displaying it at the console using `--clip` or `-c`.

And of course, passwords can be removed:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass rm Business/cheese-whiz-factory
    rm: remove regular file ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg’? y
    removed ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg’

If the password store is a git repository, since each manipulation creates a git commit, you can synchronize the password store using `pass git push` and `pass git pull`, which call `git-push` or `git-pull` on the store.

You can read more examples and more features in the [man page](

### Setting it up

To begin, there is a single command to initialize the password store:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass init "ZX2C4 Password Storage Key"
    mkdir: created directory ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store’
    Password store initialized for ZX2C4 Password Storage Key.

Here, `ZX2C4 Password Storage Key` is the ID of my GPG key. You can use your standard GPG key or use an alternative one especially for the password store as shown above. Multiple GPG keys can be specified, for using pass in a team setting, and different folders can have different GPG keys, by using `-p`.

We can additionally initialize the password store as a git repository:

    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/zx2c4/.password-store/.git/
    zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass git remote add origin

If a git repository is initialized, `pass` creates a git commit each time the password store is manipulated.

There is a more [detailed initialization example]( in the [man page](


The latest version is 1.7.3.

### Ubuntu / Debian {#deb}

    $ sudo apt-get install pass

### Fedora / RHEL {#redhat}

    $ sudo yum install pass

### openSUSE {#suse}

    $ sudo zypper in password-store

### Gentoo

    # emerge -av pass

### Arch

    $ pacman -S pass

### Macintosh

The password store is available through the [Homebrew package manager](

    $ brew install pass

### FreeBSD

    # portmaster -d sysutils/password-store

### Tarball

-   [Version 1.7.3](
-   [Latest Git](

The tarball contains a generic makefile, for which a simple `sudo make install` should do the trick.
### Git Repository

You may [browse the git repository]( or clone the repo:

    $ git clone

All releases are tagged, and the tags are signed with [0xA5DE03AE](

Data Organization {#organization}

### Usernames, Passwords, PINs, Websites, Metadata, et cetera

The password store does not impose any particular schema or type of organization of your data, as it is simply a flat text file, which can contain arbitrary data. Though the most common case is storing a single password per entry, some power users find they would like to store more than just their password inside the password store, and additionally store answers to secret questions, website URLs, and other sensitive information or metadata. Since the password store does not impose a scheme of it\'s own, you can choose your own organization. There are many possibilities.

One approach is to use the multi-line functionality of pass (`--multiline` or `-m` in `insert`), and store the password itself on the first line of the file, and the additional information on subsequent lines. For example, `Amazon/bookreader` might look like this:

    URL: **
    Secret Question 1: What is your childhood best friend's most bizarre superhero fantasy? Oh god, Amazon, it's too awful to say...
    Phone Support PIN #: 84719

*This is the preferred organzational scheme used by the author.* The `--clip` / `-c` options will only copy the first line of such a file to the clipboard, thereby making it easy to fetch the password for login forms, while retaining additional information in the same file.

Another approach is to use folders, and store each piece of data inside a file in that folder. For example `Amazon/bookreader/password` would hold bookreader\'s password inside the `Amazon/bookreader` directory, and `Amazon/bookreader/secretquestion1` would hold a secret question, and `Amazon/bookreader/sensitivecode` would hold something else related to bookreader\'s account. And yet another approach might be to store the password in `Amazon/bookreader` and the additional data in `Amazon/bookreader.meta`. And even another approach might be use multiline, as outlined above, but put the URL template in the filename instead of inside the file.

The point is, the possibilities here are extremely numerous, and there are many other organizational schemes not mentioned above; you have the freedom of choosing the one that fits your workflow best.

### Extensions for `pass` {#extensions}

In order to faciliate the large variety of uses users come up with, `pass` supports extensions. Extensions installed to `/usr/lib/password-store/extensions` (or some distro-specific variety of such) are always enabled. Extensions installed to `~/.password-store/.extensions/COMMAND.bash` are enabled if the `PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS` environment variable is `true` Read the [man page]( for more details.

The community has produced many such extensions:

-   [pass-tomb]( manage your password store in a [Tomb](
-   [pass-update]( an easy flow for updating passwords
-   [pass-import]( a generic importer tool from other password managers
-   [pass-extension-tail]( a way of printing only the tail of a file
-   [pass-extension-wclip]( a plugin to use wclip on Windows
-   [pass-otp]( support for one-time-password (OTP) tokens

### Compatible Clients {#other}

The community has assembled an impressive list of clients and GUIs for various platforms:

-   [passmenu]( an **extremely useful and awesome** dmenu script
-   [qtpass]( cross-platform GUI client
-   [Android-Password-Store]( Android app
-   [passforios]( iOS app
-   [pass-ios]( (older) iOS app
-   [passff]( Firefox plugin
-   [browserpass]( Chrome plugin
-   [Pass4Win]( Windows client
-   [pext\_module\_pass]( module for [Pext](
-   [gopass]( Go GUI app
-   [upass]( interactive console UI
-   [alfred-pass]( Alfred integration
-   [pass-alfred]( Alfred integration
-   [simple-pass-alfred]( Alfred integration
-   [pass.applescript]( OS X integration
-   [pass-git-helper]( git credential integration
-   [password-store.el]( an emacs package
-   [XMonad.Prompt.Pass]( prompt for Xmonad

### Migrating to `pass` {#migration}

To free password data from the clutches of other (bloated) password managers, various users have come up with different password store organizations that work best for them. Some users have contributed scripts to help import passwords from other programs:

-   [1password2pass.rb]( imports 1Password txt or 1pif data
-   []( imports KeepassX XML data
-   []( imports Keepass2 CSV data
-   []( imports Keepass2 XML data
-   []( imports Figaro\'s Password Manager XML data
-   [lastpass2pass.rb]( imports Lastpass CSV data
-   []( imports Ked Password Manager data
-   []( imports Revelation Password Manager data
-   [gorilla2pass.rb]( imports Password Gorilla data
-   []( imports PWSafe data
-   []( imports KWallet data
-   [roboform2pass.rb]( imports Roboform data
-   []( imports password-exporter data
-   []( imports pwsafe data
-   [firefox\_decrypt]( full blown Firefox password interface, which supports exporting to pass

Credit & License

`pass` was written by [Jason A. Donenfeld]( of []( and is licensed under the [GPLv2](

### Contributing

This is a very active project with a [healthy dose of contributors]( The best way to contribute to the password store is to [join the mailing list]( and send git formatted patches. You may also join the discussion in `#pass` on Freenode.


© Copyright 2012-2014 Jason A. Donenfeld. All Rights Reserved.
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ rm -f /a/rodmant/tmp/_html2markdown.HTML.STDIN.6C6cV
end: }}}

WIGP-IT status update for spr 2020 newsletter

Created macro templates and group-specific valued parameters for managing our google group descriptions, footers, and new member/welcome message. Put together links on Internet etiquette, email, mailing list etiquette, and team code of conduct/ethics. Added a mailing list etiquette link to our GMGP discussion email footer. Updated tickler/mailing list ‘promo’ email for GMGP and WIGP google discussion lists. Documented and shared all our GMGP and WIGP google calendar settings. Updated google calendar meeting template. Ongoing event updates to WIGP and GMGP google public and business calendars.

Updated and shared help on how to join a freeconference (FCC) call or google hangouts call. Debug and test FCC (Free conference call) remote meetings combining several local attendees, using laptop and conference microphone. More research done on bulk SMS messaging providers – the rate to beat is about $0.008/msg. Discovered google’s ‘messages’ web application which can link to your android phone’s (sms) ‘messages’ app, so group sms is supported on desktop.

Ongoing Nationbuilder CRM (NB) database cleanup, filters/queries, joint work with Curtis Bolton, and ongoing on boarding/training of Monte Letourneau to NB and WIGP-IT. Enabled twitter hook in NB, resulting in about 800 new people added to database. James O’Neil made changes to support URL for NB. Found out from NB supports we have the right to one additional website for free under our current NB plan; it would share the people database but otherwise would be essentially independent. Monte and I created a ‘tech news’ blog in NB, that is available in the ‘My Green Party- button’ drop down – purpose is to support ‘IT/tech news’ blog entries, but generally keep them off the home page.

Developed and used command line approach to update the https related certificate for

Phone-video’d a couple of public events as a learning experience, and was able to upload them to our ‘WIGP AV’ youtube channel. Monte has more experience – hope to learn from him.

Ongoing programmatic parsing/fix up work of H20 (Howie Hawkins) people database - working with Michael McCallister.

LTO 5 tape drive purchase

# shopping for LTO5 tape-drive & SAS controller [for home]

## Re tapes vs spun-down disks for backup.

2TB sata drives seem to cost over $40 each,
so tapes are cheaper.  I agree it disk to disk backup has it's advantages.
I might do both. Now though, I'm researching the LTO5 tape approach.
I have been OK with LTO 3 with SCSI. I have no experience with SAS
controllers. I've settled on LSI though, per my reading.

What follows are my (raw/oddly self styled) notes on the issue:

:6xqg :sas controller:sas hba:LTO controller:LTO tape drive sas controller:shopping {

    connectors: SFF-8644

    search: SAS HBA LTO tape Host Bus Adapter
            LSI 92xx & 93xx series

    LSI was bought by broadcom

    LSI SAS 9300-4i 4-Port PCI-E Host Bus Adapter - SATA Cards - Memory Express Inc.          detailed specs

    LSI SAS 9300-8e SAS 12Gb/s PCIe 3.0 8-Port Host Bus Adapter              has specs

    12gb SAS HBA like an LSI Logic SAS 9300-8e SGL (LSI00343)
    LSI SAS 9207-8i Sata/sas 6gb/s Pci-e Host Bus Adapter Lsi00301

    LSI SAS 9207-8e 6Gb/s PCIe 3.0 SAS+SATA HBA Controller. LSI00300
            x8, PCIe

    sas controller {

        IBM 25R8071 - LSI Logic SAS3444E 3GB 4-port PCI-E HBA SAS Controller Card

        HP / LSI SAS 9212-4i PCI-Express 6Gb/s SAS PCIe 2.0 X8 Host Bus Adapter with Simple RAID Support

        12gb SAS HBA like an LSI Logic SAS 9300-8e SGL (LSI00343)

        LSI SAS 9207-8i Sata/sas 6gb/s Pci-e Host Bus Adapter Lsi00301

        end sas controller

    :end 6xqg :sas controller:sas hba:LTO controller:LTO tape drive sas controller:shopping

:2hfa shopping :LTO tape drive:tape drive:new tape drive {

    ebay search: SAS LTO-5 Tape & Data Cartridge Drives

    DELL LTO5 HH Dual SAS 1.5TB H/H External Tape Drive
    HP AQ282J#250 LTO5 SAS TAPE DRIVE $350
        There are very few manufacturers who actually make LTO drives. The published
        list of manufacturers is IBM, HP, Quantum and Tandberg. Of those, I believe
        only IBM makes all the drives in IBM-branded enclosures. I've seen IBM drives
        in Quantum boxes, and HP / Tandberg seem to be interchangeable. Dell tends to
        use IBM drives a lot. You can tell an IBM drive by the big round pale-blue
        (IBM-branded) or black (OEM) eject button.

    end 2hfa shopping :LTO tape drive:tape drive:new tape drive

google calendar setup

<Disclaimer: raw notes/tips; not ordered; in-flux; formatting maybe rough.>

CAREFUL!: [ ] see guest list && inviting a google group | uncheck ‘see guest list’

Google calendar chops event-title when adding to email notification Subject. In one example it was limited to 58 chars:

   vvvvvvvvvvvv-- added by google                                       vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv--added by google
   Invitation: GOA Communications Dept mtg, Dial-in number (US): (563) 9... @ Thu Jan 9, 2020 8pm - 8:50pm (CST) (
               ^-- col 1                                               ^-- col 57

e.g. entries you might ‘direct add’ to the google group:

    fooptybiz_calendar_acct invites_cmte <>
    foopublic_calendar_acct invites_cmte <>

IMP/new calendar setup

click-select the calendar > gear/settings icon
> settings > in left column, scroll to ‘Settings for my calendars’
> click on your calendar



share with specific people

event notifications


On goo calendar, if user is invited to a meeting on a calendar owned by, (in my test “baz” did not add the “smurf” calendar to his list of calendars) , then the “smurf” event shows up on the baz calendar because of the invite; but none of the notification settings on the corresponding smurf calendar event are inherited. The only event notification on the baz event is a “30 min notification”, which I assume is a default in the baz calendar settings.

event notifications | suggested settings | these are “per calendar”

These notification settings only apply to the calendar owner. They do not apply to subscribers – subscribers may customize their own settings for each calendar they subscribe to. > select google acct owner > my calendars>
(gear upr/right) settings > select specific calendar> event notifications>
  + Add notification
      * one 40 min before
  + Add email
      * 6 days before # 7 days is confusing
      * 2 day before
      * 14 hours before # so people warned in morning or night before
      * 4 hours before

  all day event notifications: # Notifications also work on phones.
          * 6 days before at 9am
          * 3 day before at 9am
          * 1 day before at 2pm

event notifications /less aggressive/

  + Add notification
      * one 50 min before
  + Add email
      * 6 days before # 7 days is confusing
      * 3 hours before
      * 14 hours before # so people warned in morning or night before

share with specific people: > select google acct owner > my calendars
> (gear upr/right) settings > select specific calendar
> share with specific people >
    "See only free/busy(hide details)"
    See all event details
    Make Chgs to events
    "Make Chgs and manage sharing"

other notifications

I set ‘Daily Agenda’ to ‘Email’.

corner cases

You may share to a googlegroup ( e.g. ). Only partly tested!!

sharing permissions to calendar

open calendar> gear on upper right > settings>
left col - settins for my cal > CAL_NAME > access perms
> ACCTNAME … > make chgs manage & manage sharing || make chgs

tip on inviting a google group to an event

The googlegroup may be invited to’s google calendar meeting, provided is in the google group FOOBAR. All members of the group googlegroup FOOBAR will get the invite, provided is the calendar owner.

owner does not get their own invites | example/corner case

I checked the email msgs in our google acct “Zanew Cricket Club” . The google calendar has our monthly repeating (2nd Sat) meeting; this event invites only the group The google group has the calendar owner as a member (as it must) w/the group membership setting for member – (Delivery) “All email”. The auto notifications go out to the members of the google group zanew-cricket-discussion just fine; but the account is not receiving any of them – so I think this is “by design”.

If in addition you explicitly invite ( the calendar owner ) to the event as a separate addressee, then will receive calendar invites/notifications for the event. This is usually not what you want, because is a non-human/organizational acct, and nobody should have to read it’s email very often.

## video call template mtg notice {{{

Invite a google group like

SUBJECT: gmfoopty Monthly Mtg ( usually 2nd Sat of mo )

LOCATION: Description-has-HANGOUTS-link. Hangout name: "wifoopty-elections"

description {{{
Try to join the "HANGOUT_NAME" hangout/chat window:


before the start of the meeting. Hopefully you will see others there waiting.

You and all avatars in the hangout should get a video call near the
meeting start time.  Click on accept call.  To opt out of future calls you
can: settings > "leave the hangout".

Any of in the hangout can start the video call by clicking on the black
video camera icon near the start time for the meeting.

If you miss the "ring" near the start time for the meeting, then
be sure you are in the hangout chat window, by clicking on:


Then, in the "tall" "HANGOUT_NAME" chat window, at the upper left
**click** on the (hopefully green) video camera icon (box w/triangle at
right) to join the video call. Otherwise wait and watch the chat window
for new comers or for instructions.

Preparing your sound

Test the audio (mic and speaker) yourself first, I suggest you use google
hangouts to call this test number:


end: description }}}

remote-and-inperson {

SUBJECT: gmfoopty Monthly Mtg ( usually 2nd Sat of mo )


You need a google account for this. I will plan to be in that chat room,
a few minutes before the meeting starts.

If you can not attend in person, try to join the "HANGOUT_NAME"                             e.g. gmfoopty-pubmtg wifoopty-mem  wifoopty-it
hangout/chat window:


before the start of the meeting. Hopefully you will see others there waiting.

You and all avatars in the hangout should get a video call near the meeting
start time.  When you see and hopefully hear the call, it click on ACCEPT
CALL.  To opt out of future calls you can: settings > "leave the hangout".

Any of in the hangout can start the video call by clicking on the black
video camera icon near the start time for the meeting.

If you miss the "ring" near the start time for the meeting, then
be sure you are in the hangout chat window, by clicking on:


Then, in the "tall" "HANGOUT_NAME" chat window, at the upper left
**click** on the (hopefully green) video camera icon (box w/triangle at
right) to join the video call. Otherwise wait and watch the chat window
for new comers or for instructions.

The video call is in a new window.  It's worth it to arrange your desktop
so you can also see the original smaller chat window for the hangout,
which is useful during the meeting for text chat; it's chat history persists
after the meeting.

end: remote-and-inperson}

Use this HANGOUTS group named "HANGOUT_NAME"  or

"HANGOUT_NAME" chat/hangout:

Some one should click on video camera icon to start video call.  If video camera icon  is green click on it to join video call in progress.

    google drive folder: TODO
    file: TODO

video call template mtg notice }}}

Spaces in file or folder names - pls avoid. | Use dashes - or underscores _ instead.

Use dashes - or underscores _ instead of spaces.

Your software developer friends will thank you if you avoid using spaces in filenames or folder names. A space is a grammatical separator in most UNIX shells, so spaces in filenames require additional quoting which is an annoyance – we can deal with it but it is irritating extra typing to add this metaquoting.

So please avoid spaces in filenames.

Please avoid spaces in in folder names.

Here are the messy details on how interactive shells or shell scripts to deal with spaces.

Use dashes - or underscores _ instead of spaces.

Thank you!


tiny/low quality videos via texting (MMS)

The videos I get from friends via texting (MMS) are sometimes postage stamp size / low resolution. They are so small and low res, that I may ignore them.

It may be a throttling/bandwidth limiting feature of MMS. I think the videos get compressed so they fall below the maximum MMS attachment file size.


Workaround: put the video in the cloud, and then please text a link (URL) to it – so we can see the full resolution video.

Apple users: do your videos get uploaded to icloud / can you link to the icloud instance? Please ask your Apple store help.

Android users: Your videos and pictures should be auto uploaded to, so you can link to them there. If they’re not, then get help/adjust your Android phone settings.

Technical background if you’re curious.

MMS attachment max file size

MMS texting standard /~2005/ instead of SMS

Although the standard does not specify a maximum size for a message, 300 kB and 600 kB are the recommended sizes used by networks[8] for compatibility with MMS 1.2 and MMS 1.3 devices respectively. The limit for the first generation of MMS was 50 kB[9].

The maximum size for MMS is rather carrier-dependent, and usually is set to 300kB.

check your connection | check your Internet |speed tests | jitter tests

voip acceptable jitter / latency

Sources disagree on ranges.

we are looking at acceptable limits as follows: […] Max Round Trip Delay: 300ms Max Jitter: 30ms

Issues often arise at around three milliseconds and higher. Between five and 10 milliseconds, phones become unusable, as service will go in and out like you’re in a bad cell phone area. On the Internet, the connection will be too slow and/or laggy to use effectively.

jitter buffers

Depending on the size of the jitter buffer, out of sequence packets can be rearranged before being delivered. However this does introduce some delay in addition to the original latency on the network.

Jitter buffers will not always work, Although the size can be increased up to a point. Generally they are only effective for delay variations of less than 100 ms and even then, deterioration in quality may be easily noticeable to users.

ISP speed tests download/upload/latency/jitter | used in Mar 2020

ex. for my isp on Tue 21 Apr 2020

down 84 Mbps
up 12 Mbps
latency 23ms
jitter 2 ms

long line paragraph / flowed text test

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

zoom basics

To join most zoom meetings you need

You can join using

computer “zoom client” or web browser

Join the meeting using a URL ending in the zoom id digits (D) like ( First timers, skip to “zoom client” if you are downloading/installing the client. )

If there is a passcode you will be prompted.

You may also be given a complex with digits (D) URL like:

In that case the passcode is encoded in the URL.

“zoom” Phone app

Type in the zoom id

Type in the passcode (if needed)

plain old telephone

Call a local zoom access number:

For WI, call +1 312 626 6799

When prompted supply zoom id and passcode (if needed).

zoom client on laptop or desktop

To prepare you could download the zoom software client:

If you use the URL with the zoom id as in

zoom will try to get you to install their zoom client tool if it is not installed. I think there are ways to bypass this and run it in your browser, but I have not tested or tried this – I install the client.

After you start the client zoom tool you may be encouraged to register an account with them. As I understand it you do not need to register an account to join a meeting, so you may skip that step.

To join the meeting, find the Join button, then enter the zoom id and passcode (if needed).

voter list definition scratch pad

spring gath 2020 NB voter list "build" {

# 13:00:39 Sat 200418 10j 3 8433 -/- w2 ~
# epjdn rodmant $ date --date "18 months ago"
Thu 18 Oct 2018 01:00:57 PM CDT

voter list NB filters {

# green points / social capital based

    list gp_gt_x_since_y2   ~120matches
    gp-gt-x-since-y2                            ((primary state isany ["WI"])
                                            AND (received_capital_in_timeframe gt {"amount"=>"14", "date_operand"=>"gteq", "date_value"=>"2018-10-18"}))
                                            AND (has_email eq true)

# in my judgement these people are active volunteers ( Tom R )

    ~28matches in "crew" tag
    crew_tag                                    (tags withany ["crew"])

    I did not create a list in this case.

    ( crew_tag is a dummy query only for your convenience / an interactive shortcut )

# donation based

    list donated_gt_x_sincey2 ~69matches
    donated-gt-x-since-y2                       ((succeeded_at gt 2018-10-18)
                                            AND (amount gte 10))
                                            AND (primary state isany ["WI"])
                                            AND (has_email eq true)

# combining above lists and the "crew" tag in one filter

2020sgvoterlist0                    (list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"])
                                 OR (tags withany ["crew"])

2020sgvoterlist3                    ((list withany ["gp_gt_x_since_y2", "donated_gt_x_sincey2"])
                                OR (tags withany ["crew"]))
                                AND (banned eq false)
                                AND (emailable eq true)

As next step, we export those result to a csv file and use that for
the bulk of our email voter list.

# manual adds from today

Create a text file, one email per line of all the new members,
we got today.  I will then add these in to the final voter list.

    :end voter list NB filters

    :end spring gath 2020 NB voter list "build"

gmail tagging | gmail filters | gmail rules

hurdle w/shared accts | acct verification => owner/newbie mtg |new laptop/device => login fails |recovery phone#s

Assume people on team “foobar” are sharing the account password for a (mailchimp) account; i.e. an account which tracks the device – the specific computer, or smart phone – used to access it. Such an account is setup with a recovery/verification smart-phone number or recovery/verification email address. If John is new to the team “foobar”, it may not be enough to give John the password; he may also have to coordinate with team “foobar” to get the verification code that will be sent when he tries to login using his device.

“foobar” should publish a table of account name vs account owner(s) where these owners have the ability to verify new devices.

example meeting setup:

Subject: mailchimp ourstuff acct – verify John Doe device, so John may login

mailchimp account owner meets/coordinates with John Doe, to verify his device, so he may login to mailchimp ourstuff acct.

bigbluebutton overview

tech/puzzle tweets | microblog section

iframe youtube e.g.

choppy/freezes ssh issue | Aug 2020

mtr tests | Aug 2020

Sun 30 Aug 2020 04:42:25 PM CDT
+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T16:42:26-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.2   4.7   0.5
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    0.8   1.5   0.7  70.7   4.6
  3.|--  0.1%  1000    0.8   1.4   0.7  68.1   3.6
  4.|--   0.0%  1000    1.1   1.8   0.8 136.1   7.0
  5.|--    0.0%  1000    0.8   4.8   0.8 106.1  10.9
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   57.8  54.7  50.1  89.2   3.5
  7.|--       0.0%  1000   55.0  54.5  50.0 118.8   4.1
  8.|--      0.0%  1000   50.7  51.3  50.2  94.7   4.1
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   52.5  54.7  50.1  95.8   4.0
 10.|--      0.0%  1000   67.6  63.9  59.6 104.0   3.5
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   67.1  66.3  62.0 106.5   3.3
 12.|--    0.1%  1000   87.2  64.5  63.2 107.3   3.7
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   62.0  62.3  61.8  92.7   2.4
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.1%  1000   72.6  70.8  67.9 108.3   2.6
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 16:59:13 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.3  20.1   1.1
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    8.5   9.0   2.9  45.4   2.1
  3.|--    0.0%  1000    9.4  12.1   8.9  46.6   4.9
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   11.5  13.9   8.7  35.3   3.0
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   29.9  25.0  19.8  44.0   2.7
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   30.4  22.7  20.1  65.3   4.8
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   20.8  22.0  19.5  94.0   5.0
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   21.1  21.6  15.9  45.1   2.4
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.6  70.3  68.5 148.2   4.0
 10.|--  33.6%  1000   69.5  74.6  68.7 113.3   6.9
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   69.7  71.0  68.5 145.2   4.3
 12.|--     0.2%  1000   73.5  75.4  73.0 128.2   5.0
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   69.9  71.5  68.7 116.3   5.1

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T17:15:58-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.2%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.2   5.1   0.3
  2.|--     0.1%  1000    0.8   1.8   0.6  51.7   5.0
  3.|--  0.0%  1000    0.9   1.7   0.7  45.9   4.3
  4.|--   0.2%  1000    0.8   2.3   0.7  94.3   7.1
  5.|--    0.2%  1000    0.9   2.6   0.7  61.0   6.9
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   56.3  54.8  50.1  93.8   4.8
  7.|--       0.0%  1000   56.8  55.5  50.1 100.7   4.7
  8.|--      0.0%  1000   50.7  52.1  50.3  97.3   6.1
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   56.8  55.5  50.1  98.6   5.4
 10.|--      0.0%  1000   63.9  64.3  59.6 108.3   5.3
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   69.8  67.3  62.1 122.2   5.6
 12.|--    0.1%  1000   63.4  66.0  63.1 110.7   6.6
 13.|--    0.3%  1000   61.9  63.0  61.8 109.8   4.8
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   70.5  71.4  68.4 119.4   4.8
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 17:32:45 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.3  26.2   1.0
  2.|--  0.1%  1000    8.3   9.2   4.3  58.8   3.0
  3.|--    0.0%  1000   11.3  11.5   6.3  46.7   3.7
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   13.6  14.1   8.8  61.5   3.7
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   23.5  25.2  18.3  57.5   3.3
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   21.3  23.5  16.4  72.3   5.1
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   50.3  33.6  17.8 119.5  14.5
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   21.2  21.5  19.5  70.6   2.9
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   70.1  70.6  66.7 153.0   4.5
 10.|--  42.0%  1000   79.9  75.6  67.5 117.1   5.1
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   70.2  71.2  68.8 152.0   5.1
 12.|--     0.1%  1000   74.1  75.1  73.0 120.6   4.0
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   69.8  71.2  65.6 120.2   4.2

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T17:49:31-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.3%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.2   3.1   0.3
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    1.3   2.1   0.7  51.7   5.7
  3.|--  0.0%  1000    0.9   2.9   0.6  44.2   6.1
  4.|--   0.1%  1000    0.8   3.9   0.7 170.4   9.2
  5.|--    0.1%  1000    0.8   2.7   0.7  67.8   7.2
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   55.0  55.5  50.1 122.3   6.3
  7.|--       0.0%  1000   53.4  55.2  50.0 106.0   5.7
  8.|--      0.0%  1000   50.6  52.7  50.3  98.5   7.0
  9.|--     0.1%  1000   58.3  55.3  50.0 101.6   5.5
 10.|--      0.0%  1000   66.4  64.5  59.5 110.7   5.4
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   62.6  67.2  62.1 128.5   5.4
 12.|--    0.0%  1000   65.9  65.5  63.1 107.2   5.8
 13.|--    0.2%  1000   62.0  63.1  61.8 115.1   5.3
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   69.7  71.6  66.5 122.4   5.1
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 18:06:18 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.3  25.7   0.9
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    8.7   9.8   7.2  34.9   2.9
  3.|--    0.0%  1000   12.1  11.0   8.7  46.7   3.4
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   11.6  13.6   8.7  31.6   2.8
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   23.9  25.0  20.1  38.2   2.8
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   24.4  22.3  20.1  61.1   3.1
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   22.2  21.9  19.5  81.2   6.3
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   20.5  21.4  19.6  48.0   2.1
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.4  70.2  68.2 187.5   4.2
 10.|--  35.4%  1000   80.7  77.4  68.6 127.5  11.5
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   69.7  70.8  68.7 113.3   3.8
 12.|--     0.0%  1000   73.9  75.3  73.1 126.0   4.8
 13.|--    0.1%  1000   71.2  71.5  68.8 149.7   5.6

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T18:23:03-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.2   4.3   0.4
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    1.0   1.8   0.6  66.2   5.0
  3.|--  0.1%  1000    1.2   1.7   0.6 112.4   4.7
  4.|--   0.0%  1000   15.7   2.6   0.7 135.6   7.3
  5.|--    0.1%  1000    1.0   3.5   0.8  66.9   7.8
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   50.4  55.1  50.1 105.6   4.3
  7.|--       0.0%  1000   55.3  54.6  50.0 101.2   4.0
  8.|--      0.1%  1000   50.6  51.7  50.2  92.5   4.5
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   56.5  54.7  50.1  95.5   3.9
 10.|--      0.1%  1000   66.5  63.8  59.6 113.9   3.7
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   67.6  66.6  62.1 106.5   4.0
 12.|--    0.0%  1000   63.6  64.7  63.1 120.8   3.9
 13.|--    0.1%  1000   62.0  62.8  61.8 122.9   3.8
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   70.7  71.1  69.2 114.8   3.4
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 18:39:50 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.4   0.3  19.7   0.7
  2.|--  0.0%  1000   10.1   9.1   7.2 107.4   3.8
  3.|--    0.0%  1000   11.2  11.0   8.7  36.6   2.4
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   15.0  14.1   8.7  35.7   3.2
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   23.9  25.3  19.9  51.0   3.3
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   22.1  22.6  19.9 104.7   4.6
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   21.0  21.9  19.6  81.4   5.4
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   21.1  21.6  19.6  46.0   2.4
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.5  70.6  66.6 232.5   6.8
 10.|--  38.2%  1000   69.2  73.6  65.2 113.4   5.7
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   70.5  71.1  65.8 134.9   4.9
 12.|--     0.2%  1000   74.6  75.5  73.1 128.5   5.3
 13.|--    0.1%  1000   72.9  71.8  66.8 134.8   5.5

2020-08-30 18:56:35-05:00

# earlier test run:

Sun 30 Aug 2020 06:55:10 AM CDT
+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T06:55:10-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.3   0.2   0.2   2.6   0.3
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    0.9   2.6   0.6  57.7   6.8
  3.|--  0.0%  1000    1.8   2.6   0.6  67.7   6.1
  4.|--   0.3%  1000    1.5   3.4   0.7 130.1   7.9
  5.|--    0.2%  1000    0.9   3.3   0.7  93.6   7.6
  6.|--      0.1%  1000   54.6  55.7  50.0 114.8   5.9
  7.|--       0.1%  1000   52.9  55.7  49.9 116.1   6.3
  8.|--      0.0%  1000   50.9  52.4  50.2 102.4   5.8
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   55.9  56.0  50.1 114.4   6.0
 10.|--      0.3%  1000   66.9  65.1  59.3 117.3   6.0
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   67.0  67.7  62.1 122.6   6.2
 12.|--    0.3%  1000   63.6  65.8  63.1 135.0   6.8
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   63.1  64.2  61.7 228.7   9.7
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   70.8  71.4  65.8 118.2   5.2
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 07:11:57 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.2  13.3   0.5
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    8.3   8.6   6.2  27.4   1.4
  3.|--    0.0%  1000   10.3  10.8   8.4  48.0   2.6
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   12.4  13.8   8.8  34.7   3.0
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   23.4  24.9  17.0  49.9   3.0
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   21.6  21.9  19.6 110.7   4.0
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   27.8  22.8  19.5  84.7   6.6
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   22.8  23.1  19.6  39.9   4.0
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.7  69.8  68.2 129.4   2.9
 10.|--  34.9%  1000   76.0  75.3  68.7 149.7   8.5
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   82.7  70.9  68.7 155.8   5.4
 12.|--     0.3%  1000   75.0  75.1  72.8 146.5   4.1
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   70.0  71.2  68.9 122.3   4.6

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T07:28:42-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.9%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.2  21.8   0.9
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    0.9   2.6   0.7  74.2   7.7
  3.|--  0.1%  1000    4.8   2.8   0.6  86.7   7.0
  4.|--   0.1%  1000    0.9   3.0   0.7  91.7   7.8
  5.|--    0.0%  1000   41.8   8.9   0.8  76.8  13.4
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   54.8  56.0  50.1 111.6   6.5
  7.|--       0.3%  1000   57.7  56.0  50.0 111.1   5.9
  8.|--      0.1%  1000   50.7  52.8  50.3 126.8   6.8
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   55.2  55.9  50.0 101.1   6.1
 10.|--      0.0%  1000   62.4  65.0  59.6 121.5   5.8
 11.|--    0.1%  1000   66.1  67.7  62.1 119.4   5.8
 12.|--    0.1%  1000   63.6  65.6  63.1 118.1   6.0
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   62.2  63.6  61.7 121.2   5.8
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   69.7  71.5  68.8 123.0   5.8
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 07:45:29 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.3   9.3   0.4
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    9.1   8.9   6.2  39.8   1.7
  3.|--    0.0%  1000   11.9  11.4   8.8  47.3   4.1
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   14.2  13.4   8.6  30.9   2.6
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   28.1  24.6  19.9  42.0   2.6
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   21.7  22.4  19.4  58.7   3.6
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   20.9  22.0  16.5  96.9   6.1
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   20.3  21.6  19.6  61.1   3.6
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.9  70.1  67.2 156.1   3.4
 10.|--  35.3%  1000   70.2  71.9  68.8 144.9   6.6
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   69.3  70.6  68.0 141.9   5.0
 12.|--     0.2%  1000   75.4  75.5  70.3 138.5   6.3
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   82.7  71.6  68.9 148.2   6.7

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T08:02:15-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.2  26.5   1.0
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    1.0   2.3   0.6  78.9   6.3
  3.|--  0.0%  1000    1.7   2.7   0.6  77.0   5.3
  4.|--   0.1%  1000    2.1   3.6   0.7 139.5   8.7
  5.|--    0.0%  1000    6.6   2.6   0.7  58.3   5.8
  6.|--      0.1%  1000   66.1  55.2  50.0  95.0   4.1
  7.|--       0.0%  1000   51.2  55.0  49.9  97.5   4.7
  8.|--      0.1%  1000   52.3  52.0  50.1 103.8   4.2
  9.|--     0.0%  1000   55.5  55.8  50.3 100.7   4.3
 10.|--      0.1%  1000   60.4  64.8  59.5 112.2   4.5
 11.|--    0.0%  1000   69.5  67.0  62.1 128.7   4.7
 12.|--    0.2%  1000   68.6  66.1  63.0 114.5   6.0
 13.|--    0.3%  1000   64.9  63.6  61.8 259.3   8.0
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   71.0  71.2  68.9 128.2   4.5
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 08:19:02 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.3  20.8   1.1
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    8.3   8.7   7.4  29.8   1.5
  3.|--    0.0%  1000    9.9  11.1   8.7  49.1   3.6
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   10.9  13.5   8.8  29.7   2.8
  5.|--     0.0%  1000   21.0  24.8  19.8  42.9   2.7
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   21.7  22.0  17.0  65.6   2.9
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   20.5  21.6  17.4  81.8   5.4
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   20.8  21.1  17.8  39.3   1.6
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.6  70.0  66.0 164.7   4.2
 10.|--  34.2%  1000   69.7  74.3  68.5 159.5   7.4
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   70.1  70.6  68.7 113.0   3.6
 12.|--     0.1%  1000   73.9  75.4  71.6 142.1   5.6
 13.|--    0.1%  1000   71.2  71.7  69.0 127.3   6.4

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T08:35:48-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.5   0.3   0.2  24.4   1.0
  2.|--     0.0%  1000   47.3   2.9   0.6  61.9   7.8
  3.|--  0.5%  1000    2.0   3.3   0.6  66.0   7.2
  4.|--   0.3%  1000    7.1   4.2   0.8  95.4   8.6
  5.|--    0.5%  1000    3.1   4.0   0.8  90.6   9.4
  6.|--      0.1%  1000   57.9  56.6  50.3 123.4   7.7
  7.|--       0.4%  1000   58.0  56.3  49.9 129.5   7.8
  8.|--      0.7%  1000   50.9  53.5  50.3 115.6   7.7
  9.|--     0.2%  1000   56.6  56.2  50.3 119.9   6.9
 10.|--      0.1%  1000   65.3  65.7  59.6 124.9   6.8
 11.|--    0.2%  1000   65.1  68.3  62.3 128.4   7.0
 12.|--    0.1%  1000   64.3  66.6  63.0 139.0   7.4
 13.|--    0.3%  1000   62.5  64.3  61.8 123.1   7.0
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.0%  1000   69.9  72.0  65.9 136.2   6.9
+ : @ second run/reverse the mtr:
++ hostname
+ ssh 'set -x;hostname;_Mtr_count=1000 /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ hostname
+ _Mtr_count=1000
+ /usr/sbin/mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: Sun Aug 30 08:52:34 2020
HOST:         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--      0.0%  1000    0.3   0.3   0.3  19.0   0.9
  2.|--  0.0%  1000    9.3   9.5   7.2  69.1   6.3
  3.|--    0.0%  1000    9.6  11.4   5.3  70.9   6.4
  4.|--    0.0%  1000   15.7  14.3   8.7  73.4   6.5
  5.|--     0.1%  1000   27.3  25.5  20.0  90.9   6.4
  6.|--      0.0%  1000   21.9  22.7  20.0  82.7   6.6
  7.|--    0.0%  1000   20.1  22.7  19.5 114.8   8.9
  8.|--    0.0%  1000   20.5  21.9  17.5  78.5   6.3
  9.|--  0.0%  1000   69.3  70.8  66.5 149.0   7.1
 10.|--  34.4%  1000   80.1  75.0  68.4 134.2   8.9
 11.|--  0.0%  1000   70.6  71.6  67.8 160.4   8.2
 12.|--     0.9%  1000   74.6  75.9  73.1 162.3   7.5
 13.|--    0.0%  1000   78.5  71.8  68.6 129.9   7.0

+ mtr_main_args='--report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000'
+ : @ first run
+ command mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
+ mtr --report --report-wide --no-dns --report-cycles 1000
Start: 2020-08-30T09:09:20-0500
HOST:  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--     0.0%  1000    0.4   0.3   0.2   3.6   0.3
  2.|--     0.0%  1000    1.0   2.9   0.6  72.9   7.4
  3.|--  0.6%  1000    1.3   3.3   0.6  94.6   7.4
  4.|--   0.1%  1000    0.9   4.3   0.7  93.4   8.9
  5.|--    0.3%  1000    1.3   4.2   0.7  76.5   9.4
  6.|--      0.2%  1000   58.7  56.7  50.2 127.4   7.5
  7.|--       0.3%  1000   53.4  56.5  50.1 132.2   7.9
  8.|--      0.8%  1000   52.8  53.7  50.3 109.5   7.8
  9.|--     0.1%  1000   57.1  57.1  50.2 148.6   7.2
 10.|--      0.3%  1000   67.2  65.9  59.7 132.2   7.3
 11.|--    0.2%  1000   70.9  68.7  62.1 117.5   7.2
 12.|--    0.3%  1000   65.2  66.3  63.2 133.1   6.5
 13.|--    0.4%  1000   62.5  64.3  61.8 111.7   6.0
 14.|-- ???             100.0  1000    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
 15.|--     0.3%  1000   71.4  72.0  66.3 130.9   6.2

I stopped above test, thinking it might be itself causing problems. I plan to run some longer tests in the next day or two and will prepend the results above.