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# The Duran | Alexander Mercouris & Alex Christoforou
+https://theduran.com/ | https://www.theduran.locals.com
The Duran | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
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Above is attempt at favicon that did not work. Was hlfhearted attempt, TODO dig deeper try again.
@@ -1231,6 +1232,8 @@
#_h}:2024-01-10 Wed:5czwWnhV:end:5czwWnhV:}
###### {#rurpx_jitsi_reviewAslashAoverview} -:=jitsiintro: TWEET: jitsi review/overview | https://zq3q.org/pco/#rurpx_jitsi_reviewAslashAoverview | almost a zoom alternative
###### {#tkbbi_jitsi_mayfirst_zoom} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#tkbbi_jitsi_mayfirst_zoom :=jitsireview: :_citeg:
@@ -19940,32 +19943,10 @@
open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ ann garisson
open -t w! ann garisson
open -t reddit! ann garisson
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org ann garisson
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org ann garisson
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ ann garisson
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ ann garisson
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ ann garisson
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ ann garisson
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ ann garisson
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com ann garisson
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com ann garisson
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ ann garisson
Steven R. Donziger intro :bio:
open -t Steven R. Donziger
-open -t g! Steven R. Donziger
-open -t reddit! Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Steven R. Donziger
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Steven R. Donziger
possible email subject:
@@ -20058,148 +20039,8 @@
:biobot:TqjVvx0eRzzm:add new bio above:
-:=netiquette:=netiquette:quoting practice:toppost:top post:post:=posting:=emailetiquette:=etiquettenet: {
-###### {#hjhyy_mailinglist-etiquette}
-# [mailing list/discussion list -- etiquette; guidelines; code of conduct](#hjhyy_mailinglist-etiquette) :=mailinglistetiquette:mailinglistguidelines:=mailinglistbp:=maillistbp:
-Use as "master" to publish https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/mailing_list_discussion_list_etiquette | in misc blog
-simple/good example: <https://mail-list.com/mailing-list-guidelines/>
-technical: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology>
-The [GNU **Kind** communication](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/kind-communication.html) document has tips that may by relevant to our discussion mailing lists:
-* Please do not take a harsh tone towards other participants, and especially don’t make personal attacks against them. Go out of your way to show that you are criticizing a statement, not a person.
-* Please respond to what people actually said, not to exaggerations of their views. Your criticism will not be constructive if it is aimed at a target other than their real views.
-* Rather than trying to have the last word, look for the times when there is no need to reply, perhaps because you already made the relevant point clear enough. If you know something about the game of Go, this analogy might clarify that: when the other player’s move is not strong enough to require a direct response, it is advantageous to give it none and instead move elsewhere.
-* Please don’t argue unceasingly for your preferred course of action when a decision for some other course has already been made. That tends to block the activity’s progress.
-* If others have irritated you, perhaps by disregarding these guidelines, please don’t excoriate them, and especially please don’t hold a grudge against them. The constructive approach is to encourage and help other people to do better. When they are trying to learn to do better, please give them plenty of chances.
-* If other participants complain about the way you express your ideas, please make an effort to cater to them. You can find ways to express the same points while making others more comfortable. You are more likely to persuade others if you don’t arouse ire about secondary things.
-* Honoring people’s preferences about gender identity includes not referring to them in ways that conflict with that identity. For instance, not to use pronouns for them that conflict with it. There are several ways to avoid that; one way is to use gender-neutral pronouns, since they don’t conflict with any possible gender identity. One choice is singular use of “they,” “them” and “their.” Another choice uses the gender-neutral singular pronouns, “person,” “per” and “pers,” […]
-### historical/mostly technical links
-: Sometimes an indicator of deleted text is given, usually in the form of a square bracketed tag as: “[snipped],” “[trimmed],” or simply “[...]”.
- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Top-posting>
-A minority view -- so you know these people exist: <https://useplaintext.email/>
-@@ -:=posthowto:=tweetchecklist:=postingchecklist:=postchklist :2024-04-19_Fri:cE2yWhog: op{
-adjust subject lines
-URL at right, not left of subject line
-flowed text/_llp
-posting basics
-quoting notation
-@@ -:!tweetchecklist:!postingchecklist:!postchklist :2024-04-19_Fri:cE2yWhog: fin}
-###### {#anzpq_AhashA_netiquette} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#anzpq_AhashA_netiquette
-# [netiquette | etiquette in technology | posting style | email etiquette](#anzpq_AhashA_netiquette) #postingbestpractices #posting #postingguidelines #codeofconduct #etiquette #netiquette #posts
-| true ; u _mailh true;u _texth
-| <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette>
-| aaarg: <https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/107840/what-happened-to-quote-selected-text-in-gmail#107869>
-| <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html>
-| <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology>
-| <https://mail-list.com/mailing-list-guidelines/>
-| <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style> | quoting style | 1 space after last '>'
-| Nancy wrote:
-| > Peter wrote:
-| >> When will we have the performance figures?
-| > The tests will be completed next week.
-| Also done, possibly less though:
-| Nancy wrote:
-| >Peter wrote:
-| >>When will we have the performance figures?
-| >The tests will be completed next week.
-| Sometimes an indicator of deleted text is given, usually in the form of a square bracketed tag as: “[snipped],” “[trimmed],” or simply “[...]”.
-| <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Top-posting>
-| <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt> wg2v -r http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt
-| Flowed text with "long line paragraphs" vs "plain text" :flowed text definition
-| In body of final message
-| flowed line ends with <space>
-| fixed line does not end with a <space>
-| with 68-78col '\n' terminated lines, and
-| empty line between paragraphs: <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt>
-| flowed text | related to 'soft wrapped' lines in vim
-| Flaw?: For GUI view, if interparagraph spacing is small, and final line in paragraph is long enough,
-| then paragraph boundary can be ambiguous. Another case: you have a series of short 1 line paragraphs.
-| <https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/70n09a/soft_wrap_or_hard_wrap_lines_which_do_use_and_why/>
-| <https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Move_through_wrapped_lines>
-| quoting sender in reply, and 70 col lines:
-| <http://www.redballoon.net/~snorwood/quote-rant.shtml>
-| # see "good quoting practice"
-| <https://man.sr.ht/lists.sr.ht/etiquette.md>
-| <https://useplaintext.email/>
-| # 18:31:00 Mon 190805 7j 6 28511 -/- w2 /usr/local/nmh/share/doc/nmh/contrib
-| # epjdn rodmant $ grep '">"' replyfilter
-| # body:nocomponent,format,nowrap,formatarg="%(trim{content-type})%(putstr)",formatarg="%(trim{content-transfer-encoding})%(putstr)",formatarg=">"
-| # component prefix of ">" as a quote character, but we're
-| top posting popular: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5233428>
-| <https://www.quora.com/Why-do-the-masses-utilize-the-top-posting-style-in-email-replies?share=1>
-| <https://mailformat.dan.info/quoting/top-posting.html>
-| 1990s style article, but has some value (genera technical overview): <https://mailformat.dan.info/>
-| <http://www.gweep.ca/~edmonds/usenet/ml-etiquette.html>
-| # see "When replying, should I quote the previous message?"
-| # see "important formatting considerations"
-| <http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/p_emailett.html#format> # 404
-| <http://admin.engr.wisc.edu/IT/netiq.cfm> # 404
-| <http://www.cc.utu.fi/english/email/general.html> # 404
-| <http://larve.net/people/hugo/2000/03/email>
-| plain text
-| <http://www.expita.com/nomime.html> # 404
-| Old school, but valid: Do not top post in replies:top post:
-| <http://www.html-faq.com/etiquette/?toppost>
-| <http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU>
-| <http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html>
-| USENET (what's good for USENET is usually good for ordinary mail)
-| "If you change the topic of conversation in the
-| middle of a thread, change the subject header."
-| <http://people.netscape.com/sfraser/mtnw/docs/Usenet.html>
-| <http://www.gweep.ca/~edmonds/usenet/ml-etiquette.txt>
-## good questions |asking for help :=helpask:=questgood:
- :end !etiquette:!netiquette:quoting practice:toppost:top post:post:!posting:!email_etiquette:!etiq:
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+# The Duran | Alexander Mercouris & Alex Christoforou
+The Duran | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
+The Duran | https://www.bitchute.com/channel/NmAqqO8nLvua
###### {#snlqc_Alexander_Mercouris_intro}
# [Alexander Mercouris intro](#snlqc_Alexander_Mercouris_intro) :bio:
@@ -15548,12 +15569,10 @@
## Work by or about Alexander Mercouris
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See ~/Mail/drafts/Why_Your_Website_Needs_a_RSS_feed ~/Mail/nag/Why_Your_Website_Needs_a_RSS_feed or source:
See also: [Podcasts should have a dedicated RSS feed](#bqrmn_Podcasts_should_have_a_dedicated_RSS_feed)
###### {#wdqfh_RSS_intro} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#wdqfh_RSS_intro
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@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
Pls share, tweet, blog, or group-email; promote the article, message, website, or journalist.
- top pco post/tweet :dm:qp8p:
+ -:=zqpcotop:=pcotop: top pco post/tweet :dm:qp8p:
#_hide{ origins Krause
< https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/55503803/c32457ed4efb033d8373442d9c13204d.mp3 > | 1h 43m | scientific method; us constitution -- both need defending/active support against post modernism or cancel culture| Origins Podcast | Jonathan Rauch
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###### {#cflct_Joseph_Mercola} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#cflct_Joseph_Mercola
-# [Dr Joseph Mercola](#cflct_Joseph_Mercola)
+# [Joseph Mercola DO](#cflct_Joseph_Mercola)
@@ -26458,21 +26458,6 @@
Joseph Mercola intro :bio:
## Work by or about Joseph Mercola
-open -t Joseph Mercola
-open -t g! Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t w! Joseph Mercola
-open -t reddit! Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Joseph Mercola
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Joseph Mercola
###### {#qdpfn_wikipedia_neutrality} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#qdpfn_wikipedia_neutrality
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
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youtube channel RSS feed | feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=THE_CHANNEL_ID_HERE :=ytrss:=ytchannel:=youtuberss:
: <https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=THE_CHANNEL_ID_HERE>
+: <https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCnmd2CVLawNZR2smh1Gob9A>
ex in liferea used https://www.youtube.com/c/theprogressive for the source. liferea then
auto converted source to https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCl65R0kPElDDdms008pnPxQ
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In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these *.pls playlists so that clicking on a URL like [https://zq3q.org/pub.pls](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls) would start your media player and start playing the playlist. I think there is a way to get that to work on any device, by setting "file type" application associations or mappings, that associate the .pls file extension with a media player like VLC or mpv which both know how to handle playlists.
-> Deep dive: [Chrome VLC .pls Integration](http://archive.today/2024.11.14-135655/https://chatgpt.com/share/673600ca-dfb0-8013-96b0-adfcdcafa766)
+> Deep dive: [setup goo chrome to play .pls files on 1-click](http://archive.today/2024.11.14-135655/https://chatgpt.com/share/673600ca-dfb0-8013-96b0-adfcdcafa766)
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@@ -2398,11 +2398,15 @@
## quick start | 1 line tip
-## 1. Copy this playlist URL to your clipboard: [clipboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipboard_(computing)):
+## Copy this playlist URL to your clipboard: [clipboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipboard_(computing)):
### \ \ **https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls** ⬅
-## 2. In VLC linux or macOS | dialog box or menu
+## 1. In VLC linux or macOS | dialog box or menu
> | Ctrl-n
> | ( Command-n in macOS )
@@ -2412,11 +2416,11 @@
**Media > Open Network Stream...**
-Then paste in my playlist URL:
+Then copy/paste in below URL:
-### \ \ **https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls** ⬅
+### \ \ **https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls** ⬅ <https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls>
-## 3. click play button
+## 2. paste above URL into VLC ( **Media > Open Network Stream...** ), then click play button
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
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-:=rsspitch:=rsscapstone:rss:=rsspromo:=rssevang:=rsspromo:canon:why rss:rss feed:rss capstone:rss main:rss canon:rss capstone:podcast rss https://zq3q.org/pco/#xuhhq_Why_Your_Website_Needs_a_RSS_feed lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#wdqfh_RSS_intro
+TWEET: {{{
+https://zq3q.org/pco/#wdqfh_RSS_intro | my notes
+http://www.whatisrss.com }}}
https://zq3q.org/pco/#wdqfh_RSS_intro | find a good/free RSS reader to track 100s of sites/blogs advert-free
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@@ -25003,46 +25003,19 @@
familiarity: since Mon 12 Oct 2020
-open -t Nils Melzer
-open -t g! Nils Melzer
-open -t reddit! Nils Melzer
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Nils Melzer
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Nils Melzer
Pepe Escobar intro :bio:
## Work by or about Pepe Escobar
-open -t Pepe Escobar
-open -t g! Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t w! Pepe Escobar
-open -t reddit! Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Pepe Escobar
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Pepe Escobar
###### {#ybkrm_org_code_of_conduct_survey} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#ybkrm_org_code_of_conduct_survey
# [org code of conduct survey](#ybkrm_org_code_of_conduct_survey)
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# true @@@ web :post via dph; ( set -ue;bn="sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy"; export tinys;src=$bn.htm; postsrc=$( set -xo pipefail;_fofx -s "$src" < $dph |_rmcb ;: \| tee $f ); _M42 <<< "$postsrc" | _m2h-fp "$bn.htm" ) ;: p6qy @@@
: ======================================================================
# SELL MY Playlist | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | https://zq3q.org/fp/sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy.htm
# tomr nightly playlist: audio podcasts | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | hours of new/selected brain food nightly
: ======================================================================
+Since 2007, from my 100s of RSS feeds, I make a playlist for myself, that I listen to every night. It's 8+ hours long:
+tomr NIGHTLY playlist: audio podcasts | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | HOURS of new/selected brain food nightly
###### {#sqjrj_playliqkstart} -:=playliqkstart:=nightlyplaylistquick: lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart
# how to load my podcast playlist (updated nightly) to VLC media player. [VLC is free/open source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player).
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
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-Skip to [next section](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) for what this playlist is.
+([next section](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) says what's in my playlist.)
-## quick start | 1 line tip
+## quick start | 1 line tip
-Copy this playlist URL to your clipboard: [clipboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipboard_(computing)):
+## 1. Copy this playlist URL to your clipboard: [clipboard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clipboard_(computing)):
### \ \ **https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls** ⬅
-## linux or macOS | dialog box or menu
+## 2. In VLC linux or macOS | dialog box or menu
> | Ctrl-n
> | ( Command-n in macOS )
@@ -2411,8 +2409,11 @@
### \ \ **https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls** ⬅
+## 3. click play button
-## linux [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player) | hotkey
+## linux [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player) | hotkey approach
Assuming you now have the playlist URL in your clipboard; open VLC, place your
mouse pointer anywhere in the VLC window, and "type":
@@ -2436,12 +2437,15 @@
[my RSS feed list](podcast_feeds.html). Several previous play lists
are combined w/the update, so playing the entire list should take **days**. The top dozen or so items in the list are "the best".
The file format is [PLS format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLS_(file_format))
which should be understood by [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player),
or the [mpv](https://mpv.io) player.
-In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these *.pls playlists --
-sadly, not anymore in 2021; fortunately media player software like [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player) "grok" PLC playlists.
+In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these *.pls playlists so that clicking on a URL like [https://zq3q.org/pub.pls](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls) would start your media player and start playing the playlist. I think there is a way to get that to work on any device, by setting "file type" application associations or mappings, that associate the .pls file extension with a media player like VLC or mpv which both know how to handle playlists.
+> Deep dive: [Chrome VLC .pls Integration](http://archive.today/2024.11.14-135655/https://chatgpt.com/share/673600ca-dfb0-8013-96b0-adfcdcafa766)
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1754
retrieving revision 1.1755
diff -w -u -r1.1754 -r1.1755
--- site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 23:38:05 1.1754
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/14 13:38:08 1.1755
@@ -2361,84 +2361,31 @@
-: ======================================================================
-# SELL MY Playlist | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | https://zq3q.org/fp/sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy.htm
-# tomr nightly playlist: audio podcasts | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | hours of new/selected brain food nightly
-: ======================================================================
+@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlisttsrpod:=playlisttsrpodc:=playlisttsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
-# true @@@ web :post via dph; ( set -ue;bn="sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy"; export tinys;src=$bn.htm; postsrc=$( set -xo pipefail;_fofx -s "$src" < $dph |_rmcb ;: \| tee $f ); _M42 <<< "$postsrc" | _m2h-fp "$bn.htm" ) ;: p6qy @@@
###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly -:p0_
--:p0_ TWEET: HowTo hear my multi-hour nightly alt-news/freedom playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly
-> Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
-> Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](https://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
-* * * *
-@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlisttsrpod:=playlisttsrpodc:=playlisttsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
-true email; +m -t devnull <<\--endofhd
-## howto hear TomR's long nightly news/education playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈 midwest/USA
-start VLC media player, then select
-Media > Open Network Stream...
-paste in playlist 👉 https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈
-* * *
-A new long/8+hr playlist is posted typically between 10pm and 1am nightly/7 days a week.
-alternative VLC shortcut/hotkey approach:
-Ctrl-n ( Command-n in macOS )
-then paste in https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈
-* * *
--:=playlistpromo:8terROod: op{
-Subject: 8 hour audio-podcast playlist updated nightly | politics, deep state, antiwar, finance/banking/economy
-Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
-Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
-I make a [**~8 hour play list as a PLS file**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls) from
-the results of a ['goldenpod'](https://www.zerodogg.org/goldenpod/) [podcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers) search of
-[my RSS feed list](podcast_feeds.html). Several previous play lists
-are combined w/the recent one, so playing the entire list should take **days**.
-The file format is [PLS format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLS_(file_format))
-which should be understood by [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player),
-or the [mpv](https://mpv.io) player. In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these playlists --
-not anymore. VLC, and [mpv](https://mpv.io) players **do** handle my playlist naturally.
-| Tom Rodman voice/text/signal/telegram 414-678-9284
-| video mtgs: https://meet.jit.si/tomr-naptoll | join, call me
-| organizing/activist IT skills: <https://zq3q.org/cv2> career: <http://trodman.com/cv>
-| telegram chat: <https://t.me/izosift> | google chat: TSRodm@gmail.com
-| micro-blog: <https://zq3q.org/z/tweet-ideas.Szx>
-| vetted news sources, reporters/writers, news snips: <https://ZQ3Q.org/>
-| podcasts & their RSS feeds: <https://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html>
-} end:-:!playlistpromo:8terROod:
+# true @@@ web :post via dph; ( set -ue;bn="sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy"; export tinys;src=$bn.htm; postsrc=$( set -xo pipefail;_fofx -s "$src" < $dph |_rmcb ;: \| tee $f ); _M42 <<< "$postsrc" | _m2h-fp "$bn.htm" ) ;: p6qy @@@
-@@ -:!sellpodtsr:!sellpodctsr:!sellpodcasttsr:!podtsr:!podctsr:!podcasttsr _tagxp !{sell,}{pod,podc,podcast}tsr :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: fin}
+: ======================================================================
+# SELL MY Playlist | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | https://zq3q.org/fp/sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy.htm
+# tomr nightly playlist: audio podcasts | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | hours of new/selected brain food nightly
+: ======================================================================
###### {#sqjrj_playliqkstart} -:=playliqkstart:=nightlyplaylistquick: lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart
-# load my podcast playlist to [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player)
+# how to load my podcast playlist (updated nightly) to VLC media player. [VLC is free/open source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player).
Skip to [next section](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) for what this playlist is.
@@ -2480,7 +2427,7 @@
# [Long Podcast Playlist, updated nightly](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) -:=playlistnightlymy:=nightlyplaylistmy: https://zq3q.org/pco/#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly:=playlistmy:=playlimy:
Since ~2007, nightly before bed/after 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html),
-I post my [**~8 hour audio/talk playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
+I post my [**~8 hour audio/talk playlist** (pub.pls)](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
The playlist is concepts; politics; deep state analysis; finance/banking/economy; environment;
foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
@@ -2524,7 +2471,76 @@
+-:p0_ TWEET: HowTo hear my multi-hour nightly alt-news/freedom playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly
+> Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
+> Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](https://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
+* * * *
+true email; +m -t devnull <<\--endofhd
+## howto hear TomR's long nightly news/education playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈 midwest/USA
+start VLC media player, then select
+Media > Open Network Stream...
+paste in playlist 👉 https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈
+* * *
+A new long/8+hr playlist is posted typically between 10pm and 1am nightly/7 days a week.
+alternative VLC shortcut/hotkey approach:
+Ctrl-n ( Command-n in macOS )
+then paste in https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈
+* * *
+-:=playlistpromo:8terROod: op{
+Subject: 8 hour audio-podcast playlist updated nightly | politics, deep state, antiwar, finance/banking/economy
+Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
+Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
+I make a [**~8 hour play list as a PLS file**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls) from
+the results of a ['goldenpod'](https://www.zerodogg.org/goldenpod/) [podcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers) search of
+[my RSS feed list](podcast_feeds.html). Several previous play lists
+are combined w/the recent one, so playing the entire list should take **days**.
+The file format is [PLS format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLS_(file_format))
+which should be understood by [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player),
+or the [mpv](https://mpv.io) player. In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these playlists --
+not anymore. VLC, and [mpv](https://mpv.io) players **do** handle my playlist naturally.
+| Tom Rodman voice/text/signal/telegram 414-678-9284
+| video mtgs: https://meet.jit.si/tomr-naptoll | join, call me
+| organizing/activist IT skills: <https://zq3q.org/cv2> career: <http://trodman.com/cv>
+| telegram chat: <https://t.me/izosift> | google chat: TSRodm@gmail.com
+| micro-blog: <https://zq3q.org/z/tweet-ideas.Szx>
+| vetted news sources, reporters/writers, news snips: <https://ZQ3Q.org/>
+| podcasts & their RSS feeds: <https://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html>
+} end:-:!playlistpromo:8terROod:
+@@ -:!sellpodtsr:!sellpodctsr:!sellpodcasttsr:!podtsr:!podctsr:!podcasttsr _tagxp !{sell,}{pod,podc,podcast}tsr :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: fin}
###### {#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality}
# [Milwaukee air quality](#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality)
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1753
retrieving revision 1.1754
diff -w -u -r1.1753 -r1.1754
--- site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 21:38:08 1.1753
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 23:38:05 1.1754
@@ -2360,6 +2360,11 @@
+: ======================================================================
+# SELL MY Playlist | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | https://zq3q.org/fp/sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy.htm
+# tomr nightly playlist: audio podcasts | https://zq3q.org/z/play.sIY | hours of new/selected brain food nightly
+: ======================================================================
# true @@@ web :post via dph; ( set -ue;bn="sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy"; export tinys;src=$bn.htm; postsrc=$( set -xo pipefail;_fofx -s "$src" < $dph |_rmcb ;: \| tee $f ); _M42 <<< "$postsrc" | _m2h-fp "$bn.htm" ) ;: p6qy @@@
@@ -2433,7 +2438,7 @@
###### {#sqjrj_playliqkstart} -:=playliqkstart:=nightlyplaylistquick: lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart
-# load my playlist to [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player)
+# load my podcast playlist to [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player)
Skip to [next section](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) for what this playlist is.
@@ -2474,19 +2479,21 @@
# [Long Podcast Playlist, updated nightly](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) -:=playlistnightlymy:=nightlyplaylistmy: https://zq3q.org/pco/#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly:=playlistmy:=playlimy:
-Since ~2007, nightly around 9:15pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html),
-I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
-There is no music, it's a progressive mix of: politics; deep state analysis; finance/banking/economy; environment;
+Since ~2007, nightly before bed/after 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html),
+I post my [**~8 hour audio/talk playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
+The playlist is concepts; politics; deep state analysis; finance/banking/economy; environment;
foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
I manually order & edit the [**~8 hour play list as a PLS file**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls) starting from
-the results of a ['goldenpod'](https://www.zerodogg.org/goldenpod/) [podcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers) search of
+the results of a [goldenpod](https://www.zerodogg.org/goldenpod/) [podcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers) search of
[my RSS feed list](podcast_feeds.html). Several previous play lists
-are combined w/the recent one, so playing the entire list should take **days**. The top dozen or so items in the list are "the best".
+are combined w/the update, so playing the entire list should take **days**. The top dozen or so items in the list are "the best".
The file format is [PLS format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLS_(file_format))
which should be understood by [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player),
-or the [mpv](https://mpv.io) player. In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these playlists --
+or the [mpv](https://mpv.io) player.
+In the past firefox and chrome "knew what to do" with these *.pls playlists --
sadly, not anymore in 2021; fortunately media player software like [VLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player) "grok" PLC playlists.
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1752
retrieving revision 1.1753
diff -w -u -r1.1752 -r1.1753
--- site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 19:38:04 1.1752
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 21:38:08 1.1753
@@ -2360,7 +2360,10 @@
+# true @@@ web :post via dph; ( set -ue;bn="sellplaylistsrpod.lq7.6qy"; export tinys;src=$bn.htm; postsrc=$( set -xo pipefail;_fofx -s "$src" < $dph |_rmcb ;: \| tee $f ); _M42 <<< "$postsrc" | _m2h-fp "$bn.htm" ) ;: p6qy @@@
###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly -:p0_
@@ -2369,7 +2372,7 @@
> Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
-> Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
+> Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](https://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
* * * *
@@ -2472,7 +2475,7 @@
# [Long Podcast Playlist, updated nightly](#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly) -:=playlistnightlymy:=nightlyplaylistmy: https://zq3q.org/pco/#blklc_Podcast_Playlist_updated_nightly:=playlistmy:=playlimy:
Since ~2007, nightly around 9:15pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html),
-I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
+I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](https://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
There is no music, it's a progressive mix of: politics; deep state analysis; finance/banking/economy; environment;
foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
@@ -2514,7 +2517,7 @@
###### {#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality}
# [Milwaukee air quality](#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality)
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1751
retrieving revision 1.1752
diff -w -u -r1.1751 -r1.1752
--- site.body.markdown 2024/11/12 19:38:05 1.1751
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/13 19:38:04 1.1752
@@ -2360,6 +2360,7 @@
###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly -:p0_
@@ -2513,6 +2514,7 @@
###### {#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality}
# [Milwaukee air quality](#zrnui_Milwaukee_air_quality)
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1750
retrieving revision 1.1751
diff -w -u -r1.1750 -r1.1751
--- site.body.markdown 2024/11/05 01:38:08 1.1750
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/12 19:38:05 1.1751
@@ -18952,62 +18952,6 @@
-_rssh() {
- : personal function, _func_ok2unset_ :rss find:soundcloud:stitcher:itunes:sticher:spotify:podbean:spreaker:libsyn:google play:
- <<\____eohd
- true simple wgets for feeds; u _rssfi
- # soundcloud
- http://www.getrssfeed.com/ Paste your iTunes / SoundCloud urls and let the service retrieve the podcast public RSS feed for you :soundcloud
- https://soundcloud.com/new-jersey-revolution-radio ...> http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:219451196/sounds.rss
- https://soundcloud.com/user-182465442 => http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:245586665/sounds.rss
- http://picklemonkey.net/feedflipper-home/ itunes2rss
- https://community.soundcloud.com/playlists-229933/how-do-i-find-the-rss-feed-of-a-podcast-6761727
- To get the user id of a user, navigate to their sound cloud page in your browser. Right-click somewhere on the page and select "view page source". Then search (CTRL+F) for "soundcloud://users:" the user id is the number in that soundcloud url.
- # feed check
- https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https://dianne.skoll.ca/blog/index.rss
- https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/
- http://castfeedvalidator.com
- https://www.adamenfroy.com/podcast-hosting
- https://zq3q.org/pco/#xuhhq_Why_Your_Website_Needs_a_RSS_feed
- https://zq3q.org/pco/#gsfrr_new_RSS_podcast_user
- # podbean.com
- For postcase 'foobar', view-source on the podbean foobar main podcast page for the podcast, scan visually for a foobarsSUBDOMAIN-NAME.podbean.com
- _podchk https://foobarsSUBDOMAIN-NAME.podbean.com/feed.xml
- Ex
- Goto main podbean show page, View source, then search for rss|webFeed:
- "webFeed":"https:\/\/feeds.buzzsprout.com\/424075.rss"
- Example that worked:
- _podchk https://insightbygovsight.podbean.com/feed.xml
- _podchk https://feed.podbean.com/insightbygovsight/feed.xml
- https://help.podbean.com/support/solutions/articles/25000005057-what-is-my-feed-url
- > Normally, your podcast feed URL is https://subdomain.podbean.com/feed.xml.
- > Before you start to use the feed URL, please validate it at
- > http://castfeedvalidator.com.
- return
- : end '_rssh()'
-_podcasth() { : _func_ok2unset_ personal isaliasfor_helponly_function _rssh ; }
###### {#lfvcc_COG_Continuity_of_Government} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#lfvcc_COG_Continuity_of_Government
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1749
retrieving revision 1.1750
diff -w -u -r1.1749 -r1.1750
--- site.body.markdown 2024/10/24 20:38:08 1.1749
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/11/05 01:38:08 1.1750
@@ -26538,22 +26538,23 @@
CEO of <https://DailyClout.io>
-[x] open -t Naomi Wolfe
-open -t g! Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t w! Naomi Wolfe
-open -t reddit! Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Naomi Wolfe
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Naomi Wolfe
+did not listen
+<https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/xd5wf7/GaryPCH_030122.mp3> | Naomi Wolf | imp/worth listening | Mar 2022
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1748
retrieving revision 1.1749
diff -w -u -r1.1748 -r1.1749
--- site.body.markdown 2024/10/18 00:38:08 1.1748
+++ site.body.markdown 2024/10/24 20:38:08 1.1749
@@ -4262,7 +4262,7 @@
# [Intro/Promo/Wrapper for MMT](#qhisp_IntroAslashAPromoAslashAWrapper_for_MMT)
-This work should position you to counter aguments that 'we do not have enough
+This work should position you to counter arguments that 'we do not have enough
money' to address healthcare, ecology, education etc; that we must sell off
and privatize to eliminate public debt.
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
retrieving revision 1.1747
retrieving revision 1.1748
diff -w -u -r1.1747 -r1.1748
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* * * *
-@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlistsrpod:=playlistsrpodc:=playlistsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
+@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlisttsrpod:=playlisttsrpodc:=playlisttsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
-true; +m -t devnull <<\--endofhd
-## howto hear TomR's multi-hour nightly news/education playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈 midwest/USA
+true email; +m -t devnull <<\--endofhd
+## howto hear TomR's long nightly news/education playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈 midwest/USA
start VLC media player, then select
@@ -2384,7 +2384,7 @@
paste in playlist 👉 https://zq3q.org/pco/playlist.pls 👈
* * *
-A new playlist is posted typically between 10pm and 1am nightly/7 days a week.
+A new long/8+hr playlist is posted typically between 10pm and 1am nightly/7 days a week.
alternative VLC shortcut/hotkey approach:
RCS file: RCS/site.body.markdown,v
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## Work by or about Richard Gale
-open -t Richard Gale
-open -t g! Richard Gale
-open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ Richard Gale
-open -t w! Richard Gale
-open -t reddit! Richard Gale
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Richard Gale
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Richard Gale
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-open -t Dr David Halpin
-open -t g! Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: http://wikispooks.com/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t w! Dr David Halpin
-open -t reddit! Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: http://www.sourcewatch.org Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://everipedia.org Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://www.historycommons.org/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://www.nndb.com/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://biography.com/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://www.earnthenecklace.com/ Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://www.revolvy.com Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://alchetron.com Dr David Halpin
-open -t site: https://zq3q.org/ Dr David Halpin
###### {#udjic_unix_philosophy} lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#udjic_unix_philosophy
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-###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly
+###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly -:p0_
+-:p0_ TWEET: HowTo hear my multi-hour nightly alt-news/freedom playlist | https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly
+> Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
+> Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
+* * * *
@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlistsrpod:=playlistsrpodc:=playlistsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
true; +m -t devnull <<\--endofhd
@@ -2391,10 +2400,7 @@
Quick start: <https://zq3q.org/pco/#sqjrj_playliqkstart>
-Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html),
-I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls).
-It's a progressive mix of politics; deep state analysis; finance/banking/economy; environment;
-foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
+Since ~2007, nightly around 9pm Chicago time, from [my podcast RSS feeds](http://zq3q.org/pco/podcast_feeds.html), I post my [**~8 hour audio playlist**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls). It's a mix of politics; deep state analysis; health freedom; finance/banking/economy; environment; foreign policy; philosophy; software development; history; general news; labor news; law; science; health/diet ...
I make a [**~8 hour play list as a PLS file**](http://zq3q.org/pub.pls) from
the results of a ['goldenpod'](https://www.zerodogg.org/goldenpod/) [podcatcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_podcatchers) search of
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###### {#afxth_AdqtAConspiracy_TheoryAdqtA_as_weaponized_term} -:=conspiracyweaponized:=conspirweapo: lynx https://zq3q.org/pco/#rpqdf_conspirweap -:=conspiraweap:
-weaponized term "**conspiracy theory**": a conspiracy to: gaslight; to silence / discredit those w/**the capacity for independent thought** | https://zq3q.org/pco/#rpqdf_conspirweap
+weaponized term "**conspiracy theory**": a conspiracy to: gaslight; to silence/ shutdown discussion / discredit those with **the capacity for independent thought** | https://zq3q.org/pco/#rpqdf_conspirweap
## SCADS/War Crimes | Lance deHaven-Smith: State Crimes Against Democracy | 2017 | weaponized language/dialog-shutdown tool: conspiracy theory | CIA 1967 1035-960 | <https://zq3q.org/fp/lance-dehaven-smith2017.htm>
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-###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly}
+###### {#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly} https://zq3q.org/pco/#zjyip_Long_Podcast_PlaylistAcomaA_updated_nightly
@@ -:=sellplaylistsrpod:=sellplaylistsrpodc:=sellplaylistsrpodcast:=sellplaylispodtsr:=sellplaylispodctsr:=sellplaylispodcasttsr:=selltsrpod:=selltsrpodc:=selltsrpodcast:=sellpodtsr:=sellpodctsr:=sellpodcasttsr:=playlistsrpod:=playlistsrpodc:=playlistsrpodcast:=playlispodtsr:=playlispodctsr:=playlispodcasttsr:=tsrpod:=tsrpodc:=tsrpodcast:=podtsr:=podctsr:=podcasttsr _tagxp ={sell,}{playlis,}{tsr{pod,podc,podcast},{pod,podc,podcast}tsr} :2024-02-27_Tue:hz2aNMga: op{
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+++ site.body.markdown 2024/10/03 20:38:09 1.1742
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###### {#dwlju_James_W_Douglass_Intro}
# [James W Douglass Intro](#dwlju_James_W_Douglass_Intro) :bio:
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###### {#cosim_Stephen_Gowans_intro}
-# [Stephen Gowans intro](#cosim_Stephen_Gowans_intro) :bio:
+# [Stephen Gowans intro](#cosim_Stephen_Gowans_intro) :bio: not a PhD
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Update on Thu 12 Sep 2024:
-You do not need an account for jitsi. However, for the most popular server, they started a policy in 2024 that the 1st person initiating a meeting be authenticated by google or facebook.
+You do not need an account for jitsi.
For the desktop, there is nothing to install. For a phone, it probably makes sense to install the app.
-not updated:
[jitsi vs zoom; mayfirst.coop; update on open source meeting tools](#tkbbi_jitsi_mayfirst_zoom)
: [jitsi vs zoom | hackernews ](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22669968)